Forum Discussion
- AllanModerator@Ergoman, Depending on the router you are using for your wifi network, you should have a 5g wifi network. I recommend having your device scan for networks and see if it show up. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
- DarkattHonored Contributor
What WiFi modem, or router are you using? If you are using the Cox Wifi pano modem, the BLINK may not connect because it only supports up to WPA2 TKIP, (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), and the Cox pano modem defaults to AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). You may need to turn off AES, or use a router that allows you to use a lower level of security like WPA, instead of WPA2.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
I've read some devices don't like special characters in your key. Not very secure but worth a shot.
EDIT: Disregard. My reference only applies to the Homelife hub.
- DarkattHonored Contributor
Bruce brings up a good point, Make sure there are no spaces in your network name. You can use "FBIVAN", but not "FBI VAN". A number of devices cannot handle a space in the wifi name.
- BruceHonored Contributor III
I found this tidbit about the Sync Module and WiFi connections.
Certain older versions of firmware had issues connecting to networks with special characters or multiple spaces in a row. This was resolved in newer versions of firmware. If you do have special characters and your Sync Module serial number is less than 2xx-200-000, you may need to temporarily change your SSID and password to only letters/numbers and try the setup procedure again. Once your system is online, your Sync Module will be automatically updated to the latest firmware version. If you do not have special characters or if changing them does not resolve your issue, please use the Get Help link to contact customer service.
Do you use VPN on your mobile device? If so, please disable VPN and proceed with setup. You can enable your VPN after you complete setup.
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