Forum Discussion

Morm's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

Class action???

Yahoo is one of the most unsecured emails. They have had many breaches in data and cyberattacks. They own your info because it is free and they are known for selling your info.  I was shocked when I went to open my email and was locked out. The only option is to agree to yahoo’s terms of agreement which I will have to waive my rights. I have been a customer for cox for 15 years and I am going to drop them like a bad habit. We should file a class action against them!!!!

  • Harvey1's avatar
    New Contributor

    Has anyone received a reduction in their internet bill since email was shipped to Yahoo?  Email was part of the advertised internet package for years. As such it was something that we were paying for.  Since Cox has dumped email it only makes sense that the amount we pay for internet be reduced to reflect this lack of advertised service. 

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      Hi, Harvey. I understand your concern. Email was an ancillary and was always offered as a free service. As such, your bill is not impacted either way; however, I am glad to look at your bill to see if I can save you some money. I understand the importance of watching your budget.  Please email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. We really want to get you back up and running. I'm happy to help. 

  • EACSI's avatar
    New Contributor


    I am a Computer Administrator for many small businesses.  I have pushed COX over all others for as long as COX (even Home) has existed.  I of course have worked out the details to configure COX migrated eMail to the Yahoo under IMAP, POP, SMTP for Outlook, K9, Thunderbird.  I wanted to just forward my eMails to my own servers, but that costs I think $5.00 / month / account.  I did NOT sign up for this.  I have also experienced many failures with SMTP, time outs on IMAP, non-received eMail by the recipients, and the Yahoo servers will not respond with delivery receipts to help with testing.  And of course, support is abysmal. 

    I would support a class action suit against COX regarding this Yahoo eMail migration and violation.  COX has violated everyone's privacy and security my divulging private information to the Yahoo Advertising Machine such as eMail Address, Cell Phone Number and passwords.  Not to mention access to the contents of the eMails that we entrusted to COX.  To actually accept Yahoo's terms of service, they state something like we'll only use your eMail and Text for appropriate advertising; well, NONE is the appropriate amount of advertising I want to receive from Yahoo.  I did not agree to nor authorize COX to violate my security information and send it to Yahoo.

  • EACSI's avatar
    New Contributor

    COX should have provided Yahoo Mail Plus service for all accounts so that we would have ad free eMail as well as eMail forwarding capabilities.