Forum Discussion

blackjack21's avatar
New Contributor
4 months ago

Business account to residential

I have a business account thru my employer. Since I have recently retired I need to switch to residential. My question is they will send out a new router/modem but if they flip the switch will I lose my internet until I get the new router/modem

  • blackjack21  Hi, you would be sent the new equipment and once you've got it set up we would activate your residential account.  There shouldn't be any downtime at all.  

    • blackjack21's avatar
      New Contributor

      To stream 2 ti's how much download speed would I need? How much data would those ti's use a month

      • ChrisJ2's avatar

        Your bandwidth requirements are approximate and based on wired vs wireless and usage. I apologize, what is a "ti". I am glad to assist you. 

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      You're welcome. Thank you for your inquiry. Are there any other concerns I can address for you?