Advanced Security NOT working
This is the second time in one year where Advanced Security mysteriously turned off by itself without my doing anything. This morning, panoramic app did not say connection was “secure” as it always does so I went to “account setting” to turn it on. It has been trying to turn on for the past 6+ hours. When I go to Connect tab, it says under Advanced Security “hang on while we make your changes” which is ridiculous because I did not make a single change to begin with.
Chatting with Help Desk was no help because their app menu is not the same as my most recently updated app:
I was told to click on “secure your network” at Home Screen which is not even an option on my Home Screen so I couldn’t do that. Then I was told to go to Connect tab and click on “advanced security is disabled” but again, that option is not even available on my app. In fact, my app looks absolutely nothing like what is advertised on App Store or their website instructions/help.
i reset/rebooted and even the help desk rebooted my modem on their end and still NOTHING changed. The first time this exact same issue happened, the tech guy rebooted from his end and everything went back to normal. This time, absolutely no help and nothing changed.