Forum Discussion

No_Up_Speed's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

4 months and 20 techs still bad upload speed

For the last 4 months I've had horrible upload speeds. I've had around 20 techs come out and nothing. Half the time I can't do my job. I'm paying for 35mbs up but I rarely get that. I depend on Cox to be able to do my job because they have a monopoly in my area. I love those gigablast interent commericals where people are blown away by the speed lol. I'm at the point where I might have to move to a different city because I can't do my job since my cox gigablast internet is so bad and they are unable to fix it.

  • trev_io's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Same here Cox is shameless they have a monopoly but cannot support the users they monopolize.  make sure to report to the FCC or else the will continue to abuse their user base

  • BenS1's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi @No Up Speed
    I completely understand the frustration of having an inconsistent internet signal especially when it affects your livelihood. I checked your area and the issues that you have been dealing with have been escalated to our maintenance team. If you would like updates on the status of the ticket please email us at with your full name and address.

    Ben S.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • dhill28's avatar
    New Contributor

    after i cancelled cable and only using COX internet, my speed was horrible!  I found out that since I had cable in most rooms, all the extra wires and boosters were not needed and actually dragged my speed down to less than 30mb.  A tech came out and removed all the unnecessary cable and equipment.  This fixed my problem!

    Although I was upset that after I took all my cable boxes to the local store, no one bothered to explain that I needed to unhook everything that was not being used.  I fought this for 2 months!