Forum Discussion

joeys76's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

2.4 ghz wifi question

I have the Panoramic WiFi, which supports both 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz network.  Anyway, my understanding is that if you are using a device (i.e.: Cell phone) that is only capable of accessing the 2.4 ghz band, then you are stuck at the slower speeds even though the Panoramic WiFi goes up to 5 ghz, which is faster.  Anyway, I recently chatted with a Cox representative and he said that Cox offers a plan where you pay $15.00 more per month to access the 5 ghz network.  Does that plan actually override my cellphone's 2.4 ghz limitation and allow for faster speeds over wi-fi, like the 5 ghz speeds?  I currently have the 150 mbps coverage, but I'm not sure if that is strictly through an Ethernet connection or if that includes Wi-Fi.  Is what the Cox representative trying to sell me for $15.00 more per month legitimate?  He was actually claiming that I could get speeds greater than 150 mbps over Wi-Fi with the "upgrade".

Thank You.

  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    you might consider getting a new phone!!!

    i've got a 5 year old iphone6+ that's only used on wi-fi, says it's  connected to 5g on my pano admin page.

    the phone isn't capable of 5g service!

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      The iPhone 6 Plus supports 802.11a/b/g/n/ac on wireless LAN.  5g is a cellular network from mobile device to tower.

      Although some phones are dual-band LAN, the phones probably only have 1 stream.  Meaning, no MIMO.

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        my point was old technology..+ would be nice if the op ever says what phone is having the panoramic speed issues.

        panoramic 500/10 plan:

        i just did an ookla  wi-fi test on the 6+ & 8+, 2 years diff in tech, both hand me down phones, from the same location, same server.

        6+ 183 down, 8+ 522 down!

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III


    Plan.  Every network-capable device has a network adapter (wired or wireless).  This adapter is a piece of hardware.  Cox has no plan to "override" a piece of hardware.

    Speeds.  You must divide your Internet service into 2 networks.  One is the Cox network and it extends from your wall-outlet and connects to your modem.  Basically, you have no administrative control of this network.  Cox sets your service at 150 Mbps and Cox can "see" your modem and if Cox explores, Cox can detect a piece of hardware is actually connected to your modem.

    The other network is your personal, private network.  Basically, this is your router.  Although you're renting this router from Cox, Cox has no administrative control of your network.  Meaning, Cox has no control, ability or obligation for the speed of whatever is wired to or wirelessly connected to your router.  Cox is only promising 150 Mbps to your modem.  The bandwidth of your network is your responsibility.

    I don't know about this $15 plan.  I thought it could be Cox Complete Care but this is only $10...and not what you want.  I'll assume the $15 is to upgrade your 150 Mbps to 1 Gbps.  However, again, 1 Gbps would only be to your modem and not to your cell phone.

    Bottom Line.  Your phone can only use the 2.4 GHz band.  Upgrading to 1 Gbps could boost your private bandwidth but there are better ways to boost than shelling out more money to Cox.

  • Hi Joeys76. If the cellphone can only access the 2.4g network, there is no way to change the device's limitation. Wireless connectivity comes from the gateway and because you are renting the Panoramic Dual Band Gateway, you get access to both bands, the 2.4g and 5g networks. We provide the internet speed plans not the wireless access. The wireless access comes from the router portion of the gateway. - Lisa, Cox Support Forums Moderator