Forum Discussion

wheafner's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

10 mbps upload speed?

Is there any plan to ever change these upload speeds?  I read this was a decision that was made to attempt to combat congestion in certain neighborhoods during Covid, but that doesn't seem like it should still be a concern.  500/10 is pretty ridiculously lopsided when compared to other carries, verizon for example, that offer 300/300 plans, or something similar.  Will this ever change?

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      Just looking at the facts. If you want to compare apples and apples compare Cox fiber to FIOS fiber. BTW, I have FIOS.

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Most of the time people are getting information FROM the internet versus sending information, That's why it's lopsided. 

    • wheafner's avatar
      New Contributor

      If they are just watching Netflix you're correct.  Some people need more upload and its just a bummer there is no option for it unless you upgrade all the way up to a gig plan

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor
        its just a bummer there is no option for it unless you upgrade all the way up to a gig plan

        Perhaps I am wrong, but can't you still get the Ultimate Classic 300 plan with a upload of 30Mbps as shown here? Oh and sorry if I came off as a Cox fan boy. 

  • SteveinPhx's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree with this post.  10Mbps is not sufficient anymore.  I NEEEEEEEEED faster upload speeds!

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      Y? Unless your are video streaming, twitch or the like, even then THEY recommend 5 - 7.4 mbps upload

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        So the rest of the household shares the paltry leftovers while Steven consumes 50-75% during a stream?  This is, if Steven is even getting the 10 Mbps.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    500/10 is pretty normal for cable or HFC. FIOS is fiber or FTTH so it is apple and oranges IMO. If you want higher then 10Mbps then get a DOCSIS 3.1 modem and get the Classic 300/30Mbps plan.

    As for when that will ever change, maybe in a couple years when DOCSIS 4.0 comes out.

    • AAstevens's avatar
      New Contributor III

      the "classic" 300/30 plan does not exist with cox anymore{so they keep telling me}, found this out when i was unwillingly switched from it to a 500/10 and the refuse to switch me back.