Forum Discussion

lemonlady's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Sign In Error

Keep getting a sign in error for my Cox account when trying to access the ABC news app. Ongoing for weeks now. Used to allow me to sign in easily in the past. 
“Sign In Error. We Are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later.”

  • cmchesney's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I’ve been having this issue for the last couple of months now. I’ve called Cox twice to change my password, deleted and restarted apps, updated my iPhone, turned my phone off and on, etc… I’ve tried everything. What I’ve come to figure out is this, and bare with me because it’s complicated: when I try to sign in with my tv provider on an app; for example, ESPN, I put my username and password into the Cox login webpage that pops up when espn requests it (which has always worked for me for years) but it comes up with the message “Sign In Error. We Are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later.” When I attempt to login with the incorrect UN and PW, the message “Invalid user ID and PW,” pops up; hence, that shows me that the original UN and PW is correct and it is not a wrong UN and PW issue, so changing that does nothing. I try over and over to sign in with Cox with my correct UN and PW and it continues to give me the “technical difficulties” message. However, when I put it into a different app; for example, TNT, the “technical difficulties” message still pops up; but after numerous attempts at signing in, a page appears asking to choose my provider with a list of different tv providers in boxes (basically restarting the process of choosing my provider). I click the Cox box and it brings me to a DIFFERENT sign in webpage for Cox than the one that wasn’t allowing me to sign in and giving the “technical difficulties” message. I put my UN and PW into the new Cox sign in webpage and it works, I can now watch TNT. Some apps are working for me this way and some aren’t. For example, ESPN and HBO Max will continue to say “technical difficulties…” over and over never bringing me to the new Cox sign in page. However, TNT, ESPN, Bally Sports, and FOX will with no issue.

    It seems that Cox updated its sign in page but it doesn’t redirect users after not being able to sign in with the old sign in page for all apps for some reason. I’m no computer programmer or anything, but it seems like there’s some data error between Cox and these non working apps that hasn’t been figured out. I just called Cox last week before really diving into this issue and figuring this stuff out on my own; for when I talked to Cox customer service (two separate times), all they did for me was change my UN and PW which did nothing. The person I talked to wasn’t familiar with my issue and he even looked online to see if there were forums of other people having the same issue and couldn’t find anything… even though I’ve looked and found a few forums of people who have been having this issue for months like me. I’m not sure why it hasn’t been figured out or what to do to ultimately get every app made available for Cox users, but that’s as much as I’ve figured out. 

    I know this message is long, but it’s been a frustrating and complicated process and seems that other people are also having this issue. I hope this helps and the problem can be resolved. 

    • DavidA2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi CmChesney,

      I am sorry to hear that you have been having trouble getting to some of the apps. We appreciate you being very thorough in your explanation of the issue as well. Since this continues to be an issue for you, we may want to consider creating a ticket for you. To do that, we ask that you email us at with your service address and a link to this forum thread. Have you by chance reached out to the networks that aren't allowing you to sign in to see if they are able to provide additional help?

      Cox Support Forum Moderator
      • cmchesney's avatar
        New Contributor II

        David, I created a ticket. In the end, they suggested I call Cox and try to figure it out over the phone so a person on the other end can attempt the logins using the apps to see if he receives the same message and go from there. Thanks for your help. 

    • CurtB's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      Have you tried deleting cookies?

      • cmchesney's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I haven’t. I’m not real familiar with cookies; but from what I understand, it saves info on browsers that you use. I use Google’s browser but it’s certain apps that aren’t letting me sign in through Cox so I’m not sure if that’s related or not. Maybe it is, I don’t know enough about them though if you could explain more why that would be the case. I can’t find a way to delete Cox cookies without deleting all cookies I’ve used with Google browser so I don’t want to delete all of them if it’s unrelated. I will try it though as last resort if I can’t figure it out with Cox or the app providers that aren’t working. Regardless, thank you for your suggestion. 

    • jdavidson1228's avatar
      New Contributor

      It is related to if you have 2 factor authentication Under profile -> password and security 

  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator

    What type of device are you using to access the app?

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator
  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Sometimes a sign in error will occur if third party cookies are blocked.

  • Apple does not support 2FA, so you have to turn it off on your Cox account.