Forum Discussion

pwg1's avatar
New Contributor
8 months ago

Displeasure with Yahoo email

I am extremely dissatisfied with the Yahoo email web-based app.  It is littered with advertisements.  I do not recall seeing this fact mentioned in any of the notices about the migration.  I am paying for my email accounts as part of my Cox bundle and do not wish to pay another $5 a month to Yahoo to turn off their ads.  I pay several hundreds of dollars already to Cox each month and deserve the same service that have received for the past 12+ years.  I find this very shabby treatment of customers who deserve better.

  • okwow's avatar
    New Contributor

    around 20 yrs for us and maybe the last straw as they say.... extremely disappointed in cox selling out...especially to yahoo...

    • MichaelJ's avatar

      Hi okwow, I hope that you will decide to stay with us as your internet service provider. I understand how you feel about making the transition, You do have the choice to use another email service provider, but you won't be able to keep the address, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, Thank you for your patience, 

      • okwow's avatar
        New Contributor

        the whole point was to have secure email with internet...which is what I paid for with this account and my original account i keep for email.  I have only an email add with my original account just so I could keep my original email add...since you(cox) could not figure out how to add it to another account...this is not counting the accounts for business I have with cox away from yahoo years ago for a reason....I would not consider them to be at the top of the list for secure email...cox has done a serious blow to their reputation....this will weigh heavily on my decisions to continue to use cox or any future businesses using the cox service... 

  • Hi, pwg1, I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the Yahoo web-based email app, I apologize for the inconvenience and I understand your frustration with the ads. There are other email services that you may explore to see if they are a better fit for your needs, The benefit of staying with the Yahoo email service is that you can keep your cox,net address, if you choose to migrate to another email provider you will no longer have that address and will need to update all of your accounts that use your email address. Thank you for your patience, 

    • pwg1's avatar
      New Contributor

      That is exactly why I am so displeased!  Changing the address would be extremely troublesome.  Cox has created a situation where they have significantly devalued the service I am paying for.  I have always had plenty of options for email accounts and you should recognize that in these days, I now have plenty of options for the television, internet, and phone services that I am also purchasing from Cox.  Each month I pay more than $450 to Cox for my household's telecommunications services - why would Cox jeopardize loosing loyal customers by degrading the email service?  You should offer to have Yahoo remove the ads for those Cox customers that request to turn them off instead of your customers being forced to pay Yahoo an additional $5 a month to do so - a cheap way for you to keep your loyal customers in an age where you already face significant challenges to maintain your customer base.

    • diane269's avatar
      New Contributor

      So because we have been Cox customers for IONS and need to keep our addresses, we are ALL a captured audience now?  THIS cheap treatment is how we are rewarded?  If we wanted yahoo we would have used yahoo.  But no one wants it.  It absolutely stinks! Thanks for nothing.  And stop thanking us for our patience: we are all out of patience!