I have been a Cox costumer for over 10 years and not happy at all. Every time I try to link my tv provider subscription to the ESPN and NBA app it tells me that “ We are having technical difficulties and to please try again later”. I am able to link my tv provider subscription through the Safari and Google browser but that’s it . The apps for some reason is the only time I am seeing that message about the technical difficulties. I am using a iPhone 14pro, I’ve checked my software , uninstalled and reinstalled the apps, even called apple to make sure it wasn’t my phone and they ran diagnostic tests and everything passed . I even tried on my wife’s iPhone 13pro and she is getting the same message . So that’s 2 different devices using the same log in getting the same results. I seen on here that other people are getting the same message I am but only she the try to log into the Cox app but fortunately I am not having that issue with the Cox app as I am able to log in fine . I believe that it’s the Cox login portal that is causing this problem. I’ve literally done everything that I possibly could think of to solve this problem so if anyone has any advice please feel free to reply back. Thanks in advance!