Random SPIKE in Internet Data Usage
I have been monitoring out data usage since seeing a huge spike in our service at the most random times. It seems to happen on overage once or twice a month. I have a Netgear Nighthawk Modem and Orbi Wifi mesh system which I pay extra for security monitoring, notifications, etc... No gaming systems in the house, computers, tablets, phones (our phones are unlimited data and we have wifi turned off our phones.) This month, after 10 days we had a HUGE spike in our internet data usage so much so that we used 75% of our monthly data in 10 days? Days that we were barely home using any services! I don't think so. I called cox and they say they cannot control data usage and it's all us, I should just upgrade to unlimited. I call **. It's an absolute SCAM. This month, my bill DOUBLED because of their so called overage on data usage. When most of the time, we are always under what comes with Gigiblast. What recourse do we have? What should Cox be doing because there is NO WAY that we used what they say we are using. I have started to screen shot and take notes on usage. Most days are around 50G, then one day will shot up to 221 or higher followed by another day that is almost 200 and then back down to 50G or less. There is no change or reason for those days to spike. I am infuriated and about to just leave COX.2KViews0likes4Comments