I wanted to know about making a partial payment
I couldn't afford to make a full payment this month and so I paid what I could $25 of $52 dollars. Will I be shut off? I'm having a hard time getting unemployment in Nevada and so it was all I could. Will Cox work with me? I don't want to lose my internet since it gives me the ability to potentially work from home. However I also am finding it very hard to be in contact with Cox during normal hours as well. Can I get help through email support? I don't find a answer to this question anywhere.1.2KViews0likes1CommentPAYMENTS
I have to say, Cox was not my first choice as a service provider; I had a few minor issues with the company right away but didn't think it was a big deal. However moving forward, I my experienced has changed and has been a little more than upsetting. I have had several issues when trying to make payments! I don't know if there is something wrong with their IT department or Accounting department or both! Several times now, whenever I try to make a payment, I go through all the steps and everything is fine up until the last step which is to confirm the payment. I've had the following three issues: There are technical issues with the page. This one has happened less frequently than the following two but it happens a little too often. I log in and can't even attempt to make a payment because the page is unavailable. The"confirm" button does not work; I click away and nothing happens. No matter how many timesI try it or how many different ways (reloading, differentbrowser, different computer), the button does notwork!Finally frustrated, I leave the page and decide to attempt again the following day but same issues arise. I am able to make a payment, I confirm it, and receive a confirmation number then I receive a phone call that my payment is late! This is incredibly frustrating! I check my bank statement and thankfully, no payment has been processed meaning that they are not attempting to double charge. I know that it is not a problem with my bank since I have not ever had any other issues with any other company. All three issues described above are incredibly frustrating and time consuming. I am aware thatthere are different methods of payment but I work in Corporate for a bank, 45+ hours a week, I do not have time to be making phone calls or mailing checks! The last time I called to make a complaint about this, it was notevenaddressed by the person on the phone so Icancelled my service and it seemed like they very carelessly did so. Unfortunately Verizon Fios does not provide service in my area so I had to reinstall Cox. I was told that I would not be charged for restarting everything but in reviewing my next bill, found I had in fact been charged. These issues are getting to be ridiculous, time consuming, and very frustrating. I took the time to write this in hopes that people view and respond and hopefully COX will take this issue more seriously or I can just as easily take the time to look for abetter internet provider. Thanks, A4.7KViews0likes2Comments