Can't connect to CoxWiFi on OSX
I am sitting in a cafe with my Macbook open and trying to connect to a "CoxWiFi" hotspot. When I do this, the wi-fi icon in the menu bar turns white, telling me I've got a great connection - but I get absolutely no internet. And no popup asking for my Cox customer information. The official support documentation gives me no help. Is there anything I can do to make the login popup come up? I'm running OSX Mojave, Software for OS X
I am running the backup software for OS X on a 10.9 (Mavericks) machine. When I try to log into my user account, it states that my username or password is wrong. I have tried to reset my password to an easier to type in password to ensure that it is not a user error but I cannot get it to work. My question is, is this an error because the software doesn't work on 10.9 or some other type of error that is there for all versions of OS X?2.2KViews0likes2CommentsSecure Online Backup Software for Mac
Anyone hear when the backup software for Mac will be updated to support Mountain Lion? I've never been able to log into the client even though the web interface works just fine. I spoke with tech support and they said it wasn't supported yet but would be soon. It's been a couple months now so I'm just looking for an update. To clarify, when I launch the software prefrences it asks me to log in but when I give it my credientials it comes back saying it's incorrect even though I can take the same info and log into the web version just fine.2.7KViews0likes3Comments