Cox's SPAM engine ** and needs completely disabled.
How can i get cox to quit prepending "-- SPAM --" to the emails consumed by a 3rd party email client? Even after I've told your learning engine that it's, "not spam". I should not have to add every single from address to a contact. Yet, even that doesn't help. Better yet, how can I get cox to simply quit scanning ALL of my email even though I already have "No SPAM Filtering" selected? Your SPAM "learning" **, I've never seen it learn and whitelist any FROM address I've marked as "not spam". Just allow me to turn it off completely, please.673Views0likes6Commentsmyemail inbox filter rules - Any Condition no longer working
Why is the myemail inbox filter rules for any condition not an option. Seems to only have the option for all conditions must be met. I have rules in place for more than 5 years that are no longer working that still show the option of any condition but stopped working on 4/20/2020. Does anyone now why or have a fix or suggestion. I used this to filter SPAM since COX doesn't do a very good job of it on their own.505Views0likes2CommentsInbox Filters Stop Working
I'm trying to make use of Inbox Filters on my enhanced email account. Cox support is terrible with regard to SPAM. I mean, the worst really. The support techs have zero knowledge. They keep trying to get me to switch on SPAMBLOCKER, which is not a thing in enhanced. It's like I have t spend 10 minutes convincing them that once an accout has migrated to enhanced, you can't login in to classic anymore. I do have Settings - Inbox - Spam Filter set - Delete SPAM, but all kinds of spam continues to come through. So, I'm using Settings - Inbox - Filters. Good idea, except that at some point, they just stop working. I d on't know if its some number of conditions or what, but they work for awhile, then stop. I've gotten rather sophisticated. I have a FROM filter, that uses "any condition" and a list of FROM conditions INCLUDE, that sends spam to a SPAM/FROM sub folder Same thing for a SUBJECT filter I even have an experimental one that tries to use ENVELOPE or HEADER CONTAINS, but I've never seen that one work. For awhile I get spam delivered to the sub folders as the filter catches them, then they just stop. Why?4.6KViews0likes8CommentsDynamic port blocking - what the heck?
I'm having a peculiar issue with inbound TCP connections (to my local smart home services and Plex server). Basically, after a period of successful operation, I can no longer receive inbound connections on a given TCP port (it shows as connection refused), and have to change the port mapping to be able to access it again; then, after another period, the new port becomes closed/connection refused, and I have to change it again - although usually the old one works again by this time. It's definitely upstream of me (I have tested with a laptop on the outside of my router), so any thoughts on what's exactly going on, and how it can be stopped? -cSolved1.5KViews0likes2Comments