Cox Cable takes unauthorized payment from bank account then goes into site maintenance to hide.
I woke up early this morning because of some neck pain, and since I could not sleep, I checked my Email, and bank accounts, just to find my checking account was overdrawn because of a $78.02 charge taken by Cox Cable in the middle of the night that was not authorized by me, nor due.... So, I attempted to login to my account in order to find further information, only to be met with an notification that the site was under maintenance. This is the same thing I got when I tried to contact tech support, that they could not access my account due to maintenance, and was disconnected. I do not have a cable internet bill due until January 24, so it makes no sens that they would jump the gun, and withdraw the payment so early from my bank, which they do not have authorization to do without my expressed consent. I did not have enough in the account at this time to cover it, so they left me with a negative balance, and have made themselves impossible to contact. What a bunch of criminals. They should all be locked away, and not allowed to have a monopoly as internet providers, but they feel they can do whatever they want because they are not affected by competition, allowing them to steal as much money as they want from their clients, whenever they feel like it!!1.1KViews0likes3CommentsAnyone have ACP dept phone # --Representatives should be educated better about ACP and not be condescending
Extremely frustrated and saddened at the treatment and lack of knowledge by some Cox employees. I called requesting to speak to the ACP dept. I have spoken to them in the past and the gentleman told me there were two specific people assigned to these accounts. I do not know why the agents act like they have no idea what I am talking about, its a secret & refuse to provide the number or transfer. When I then ask for "customer service" I find out later that they say "Oh well I am tech support, not customer service but.... " wait what? So not only you cant help me but you lied. I was transferred 4 times- all agents tried to tell me I was not going to get a better deal. **I want to downgrade my service. I can not afford it.** it is not about a better deal. Not sure what they do not understand. It is the whole reason I have the ACP. I only temporarily upgraded while the kids were all home for the holidays. Eventually, I get t to "loyalty & retention" because Im told if I can not afford the bill any longer at the 1G price maybe I should cancel & provide me the local stores address to return the equipment. Great way to treat a customer of over 10 years. Finally, I gave up and I did the downgrade myself online (more than half the speed) and now my bill is TRIPLE what it was. Seems dishonest and shady. Why cant I speak to the dept that handles ACP accts? They were so helpful. I should not be treated poorly or talked down to because I have a coupon. Can anyone please help?Solved2.5KViews1like40CommentsCox Complete Care scam?
I used the Chat service on 3/22 to revise my TV & Internet service. I had the whole transcript of this chat emailed to me after the chat. The representative I chatted with was "Gio S.", I was able to make the changes I wanted and we ended the chat. I was surprised to discover a week later that "Gio" had added Cox Complete Care (CCC) Premium service to my account without telling me - I NEVER asked for it and I NEVER approved it. The Chat transcript proves we never talked about it. I called Cox to speak with a live person to have this removed, and I was told that they cannot cancel it or else I will be charged a $75 cancellation fee for cancelling within 2 months!! Even though this was added fraudulently by the Chat representative, Cox cannot simply remove it!! The representative on the phone was very kind and understood my complaint. A $20 credit was added to my account to pay for 2 months of CCC service, but I have to remember to call back in June to cancel this service that I NEVER asked for and NEVER approved. This smells like a scam. It's ridiculous! If customers get billing statements electronically, I highly recommend reviewing them, especially after making changes, to catch any such mistakes.2.1KViews0likes11CommentsRepeated Poor Service
I have been a Cox customer for many many years and have had issues off and on but the service just seems to be getting worse and the cost just seem to be going higher for the bad service. I would really like to know why I have lost service twice now in less than 2 weeks in the middle of the night for several hours? I'm paying 160.00 a month for just Internet and if I can't use it when I need to then maybe I need to start looking for a more reliable company.703Views0likes3CommentsReplace Modem Scam
I received notification that I could upgrade my outdated modem at no additional cost. But when I tried to do so, it showed a cost of $5 per month. What a SCAM. Spectrum never charges to swap out old equipment. But COX continually bumps up my monthly rate. I'm paying over twice what I was 5 years ago. Did anyone else get both the email and notification and sucessfully get a new modem without the monthly fee?1.5KViews0likes2CommentsPacket loss due to upstream channels dropping
I've been getting outages due to the upstream dropping out on my internet connection for more than 6 months now. Downloads, watching streams, podcasts, hearing and seeing people on voice/video calls and are fine if they've already started. Uploads drop, voice/video calls break up for listeners, website requests take forever, games get disconnected. Modem upstream during packet loss: Bottom row with red question marks is packet loss. Other rows are just hops which sometimes don't respond (`mtr`): I can't even get a screenshot without packet loss over the past few hours. I've rebooted my modem. I have a new cable and connectors from the box outside directly to my modem 2 times over. I've upgraded my modem 2 times and now have one of the best (MG8702) if not the best one supported by Cox. I've had several techs out to troubleshoot the issue. Some of them have replaced the same cable or connector as previous techs have done. One tech actually worked on something up the street, which improved the connection dropping a little. Another of the techs said there wasn't really anything they could do to fix it and that the lines are over-saturated because everyone is working from home now. If this is actually a problem, it sounds like a case to expand infrastructure rather than telling me it's all used up. I've confirmed with the techs that have visited that there's an issue with the upstream signals somewhere between the box at the utility pole and further up the chain. It doesn't seem like this issue will every be fixed. I've burned a lot of my time (days and days), burned money upgrading hardware that was fine, talking with customer support, and waiting for techs. I've been having to use my phone as a mobile hot-spot to ensure a consistent connection for voice and video calls. If this keeps up I think I'm just going to stop wasting money on useless internet and dump Cox and switch to a mobile hot-spot, since I end doing that anyway.Solved8KViews0likes31CommentsCan we get answers to service issues and compensated for failures?
There are a lot of complaints about service availability on this forum yet no answers. The responses are all the same... "We are sorry, feel free to contact us, have a nice day.". I am beyond frustrated and entirely dissatisfied with Cox. I am trapped as Cox has a monopoly in my area. I have been having connectivity issues consistently over the past few months. Last night (I work nights) internet was down from 9:30 pm until 9am this morning. The only answers are we are aware and working on it. That's my number one frustration is poor reliability with zero consistent results In resolving and no accountability. Where else do you pay for service, not get it, but are still required to pay????. My second frustration is the service level. I pay for 900+G service but have never gotten much over 300G. It's like renting a limosine but getting a compact. I have never encountered amore dishonest company than Cox. They need to offer everyone their fastest service but prorate based on what is actually delivered. I can't wait until I can move away from Cox. Guaranteed they would be out of business with these unethical practices if they weren't a monopoly!2KViews2likes9Commentsunburied cable in my neighborhood
In my community, a utility company was installing a new Cox line about 3 weeks ago and they haven't been back in about 2 weeks to finish the job. We have a cable run along the edge of the street in front of 4-5 homes that nobody came back to finish installing.470Views0likes1CommentCox Returned Payment Fee Policy
Where can i find the current policy on the returned payment fee. I can only find a 2019 residential policy on your site that states a $25 fee. However, $30 seems to be the current fee being charged. Also, why does Cox feel the need to charge their customers this fee. If a customer has insufficient funds when making a payment but still corrects and submits a payment on time; whats the issue? I get writting a bad check, but in todays automatic digital world it just seems unethical. I didnt create an expense of money or time on Cox's behalf. This failed transaction is no different than my card being declined at a store. Side note, your customer service reps via chat couldn't find your $30 fee policy.875Views1like1Comment