How do I locate the caller ID section to turn it on so that the incoming telephone number shows on the tv screen
Here is the information for the newer cox contour cable box: Cox Phone tv settings. Cox phone caller id settings for tv, 2023. You need to do this from your tv contour remote. Menu > "Preferences"> cox voice > (Set to "on" or "off" ). "Voice" control is for the tv caller id settings.2.7KViews0likes1CommentTCM Audio not in sync
I'm having a problem with TCM channel audio not in sync. All other channels are fine. I went into my TV settings and switched back from SAP to Stereo and back again, but this has not resolved the problem. This is puzzling, because yesterday that channel was working FINE. I had not made any changes since yesterday to explain why it's not working right today. This happens occasionally and I'm not sure how to fix it. Please help.2.7KViews0likes3Comments