Why does Cox *** so bad??
What is wrong with Cox??? For the last month or two I have had HORRIBLE internet service. Going out several times a day sometimes, going out for hours others. There is ALWAYS a “service impacting event” happening. That’s total bull. And their constant “heavy traffic” notice. It’s 1 am!!! How is that a legit excuse? That’s just something they have posted in order to shut some people up. Even if that were true…then what are we paying for?? To only be able to use the internet when no one else is? Get. It. Together.508Views0likes1CommentDone with COX. Moving to ATT
The line is messed up again and they want to charge to come to my house!! I am tired of overseas call center people who are no help and do not listen/understand. Cable and internet both loosing connection reboot modem and say that will fix it!!! ATT just installed fiber here (which Cox promised years ago and never did)... time to switch. Goodbye COX after 21 years I AM DONE WITH BS!! [tag:COXSUCKS]787Views2likes1Comment