Cox @ Tulsa OK
I'm currently at the 33h mark without broadband. Unscheduled outage. We're well past all the hopeful 'fixed by time' deadlines. Zero reasons given for the outage. Zero estimates now for how long this one will last. This is but the latest in a long saga of Cox outages in my area (74137). Cox has the capability to track exactly how many outages & their duration each customer has experienced... so why isn't that data in the app? Why aren't outage credits automated? Why do I have to keep calling to get a credit when you already KNOW? I want to see a graph of my Cox outages every month in that app your customer service reps keep pushing on customers whose WIFI is down. (Don't recommend the app, their WIFI is down. They can't download it.) Also, how am I texting you when the only way that interface opens up is through the app? Stop pushing the app on a "my Internet is down" conversation. Your customers are not dumb. Your customer service scripts *do* make Cox look dumb, though. Deploy a portable hotspot when my outage is over 12 hours (6, ideally). "We don't do that" is unacceptable. You *would* do that if the CEO of Cox needed it here in Tulsa. Admit it. "Looks like your modem is over 5 years old..." they said. It is, so why hasn't Cox replaced it as a regular part of the maintenance calendar? Are you just waiting around for our modems to fail, when you can see on your end how old they are? No fiber optic options available. My cell service gets 253 Mbps service... Cox brags about hardwired modem at 100 Mbps. Europe @ 5Gbps is laughing at us. And we pay more than they do, too. #CoxFail, Inc.®™35Views0likes2Comments