Why is Cox Communications STILL NOT Connected with the History Channel?
I tried this when the History Channel first came out with their app for the XBOX 360 a long time ago and today I figured that I would give it another try because SURELY Cox has by now linked up with their authentication service. To my true disappointment I noticed this STILL has not been completed and I feel the need to voice my discontent in finding this out. If anyone from Cox actually reads and/or replies to this thread.... (a practice critical to actually running a customer focused company inline with their presumed marketing flubber)... then please briefly explain to us all the following: Why is your customer authentication system not linked up with with theirs yet? If your response to the above question attempts to place the blame on the side of the History Channel then please explain to me how they manage to be connected with every single Cable TV provider in the entire Nation (~50+ providers)? This is evidenced by simply visiting their default Activation/Authentication page located at http://www.history.com/activate (note: you must select the Roku or XBOX button prior to being able to see that use list of Cable providers) Please further provide us some insights into how many of your other current Channel Content Partners provide online viewing for which you currently have not properly implemented the same Activation/Authentication procedures? Please provide a general timeline in regards to when Cox Customers can expect such implementations to be completed? Although I am sure that the vast majority of remaining Cox subscribers do not use such services, your company needs to recognize that by failing to simply ensure such capabilities are treated as priorities you give people like me (and I am sure many others) just one more reason to look for alternatives out there. Get it together guys! Respectfully submitted, CH27KViews0likes8Comments