Contour 2 DVR with 24 tuners
I currently have a Contour 1 DVR with 6 tuners. My second identical DVR recently broke and I found out during an attempted swap out at the local Cox Store that Cox no longer allows two DVR's on the same network. I ended up with a client box instead that is fed from my remaining DVR. So I am used to having 12 tuners available for recording. I see the Cox Ultimate DVR with 24 tuners on the Cox web site, but no real information on how it works or is configured. 1. Can it store recordings locally or is everything stored in the Cloud? 2. Does it require Panoramic Internet from Cox? 3. What is the true cost, (the web site shows a $10 bump from $20 to $30 a month when going from 6 to 24 tuners) Any hidden costs I should expect? 4. Is there a manual posted online that explains how the Ultimate works?2KViews1like18Comments