ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Has Cox Been Hacked This happened to me a few years ago (not on Cox at the time). It took several different free anti-virus programs to remove it, so if one doesn't work keep trying others. AVG finally found it and got rid of it . It was a root-kit virus. No problems since. Re: Speed Check Results Slower If Not Logged in To My Account I unplugged the Netgear range extender. Signal strength dropped over 50% in the rooms that are 50 to 75 feet away. It is a single story house. I doubt that we have Panoramic Wifi Service, but if we do it doesn't work as advertised. After unplugging the range extender, the computer that has been slow was much faster initially. The speed tests were about 20 Mbps down and 5 up. But over the next 2 hours it fluctuated down to 3 Mbps down then back to 16 then down to 6 then back to 20 on tests conducted several minutes apart. It also did it after getting off the internet then back on and staying on for awhile. It has a Netgear wireless adapter (Wireless-N 130 Mbps), is10 feet from the Cox modem/router, and is connected to the primary Cox network, not the extended one. Nothing has changed in this setup since we first got Cox and upgraded the wireless adapter from Wireless-G to Wireless-N (with no improvement in performance). Getting faster speeds would also happen infrequently and then decline after a brief period, just like today. I had Process Explorer running during all of this and noticed that when it was slow, Interrupts were using 15% of the CPU and Firefox 85%. The 2 numbers would fluctuate up and down but CPU usage remained at 100%. What would cause Interrupts (whatever they are) to be this high? To be able to keep the Netgear range extender should I get a Cox compatible Netgear Wireless Router and exchange my Cox modem/router for just a cable modem? I would think Netgear products would be compatible with each other. I don't want to spend more money on Cox service so upgrading is not an option because I doubt it would make any difference. Re: Speed Check Results Slower If Not Logged in To My Account Yes it is a Netgear range extender. I didn't know I had the Panoramic Wifi service - - Cox didn't start advertising it until months after I signed up. Without the range extender the signal in that part of the house is too weak and devices will frequently lose their connection. Several months ago I brought the Cox modem/router back and exchanged it for the same make and model, just to rule out that it was causing my slowness problems. After installing it, the Netgear range extender was not re-installed and was unplugged for several days. My internet was still just as slow as before. With that said, I will unplug it and see if it helps and if the signal in that part of the house is now adequate due to the Panoramic Wifi service. Thanks for the tip. Re: Device List Names Changed or Disappear Thanks Tiffany. Today's list also had an inactive device with the wrong name and it was an Apple device - - a different one than yesterday's. Inactive devices aren't a big deal to me and I can live with it. All the active devices were correct and this feature is now much better than it was. Again, thanks to everyone who looked into this. Re: Device List Names Changed or Disappear Sorry to report that the problem is back: under inactive devices the MAC address for a Hewlett Packard laptop shows the name for an I-Pad. The I-Pad is also listed as an active device with its correct MAC address. Re: Speed Check Results Slower If Not Logged in To My Account Thanks, Tiffany, for your response. Before signing in the Cox site shows San Diego as my location, the same location shown after I sign in. Trust me, the download speeds of 4 Mbps are consistent with the speed at which web pages are displayed: at times one page can take up to 2 minutes to completely load. There is absolutely no way this computer is getting 48 Mbps (or over 60 Mbps once, as I mentioned in a previous post - - we only have a 50 Mbps plan). I'm not a technical expert, but it seems illogical to me that it would take 12 times longer for data to arrive from a Los Angeles test location than a San Diego test location when we live between the 2 locations and the electrons are traveling at the speed of light, 186000 miles per second It is less than 100 miles to Los Angeles. When not connected to the internet the computer works fine doing spreadsheets, word processing, playing music, etc. I upgraded the wireless adapter from 54 Mbps to 130 Mbps with no improvement in speed. A direct Ethernet connection makes no difference either. Re: Device List Names Changed or Disappear The device list has been correct for 4 consecutive days. Also, the Apple devices no longer show 2 MAC addresses for each device. And the ability to edit posts has been restored. Thanks for getting all these things fixed. Re: Speed Check Results Slower If Not Logged in To My Account This evening I went directly to the Cox website, bypassing Yahoo. It took forever, as usual. Before logging in I ran several speed tests. The best download speed was 4, The worst was 1. I immediately signed into my account with Cox and did 2 speed tests. One was 24 down and the other 48. The list of recent speed tests for my account shows 24 and 48 down. This is deception at its worst! Re: Device List Names Changed or Disappear Those were fake MAC addresses just to provide an example of what 2 MAC addresses for one device looked like. I can't remove them because the ability to edit a post no longer appears as a choice. The device lists have been correct for two consecutive days. Once it is clear that the fix is permanent I will post it. Thank you, Stephanie, for continuing to follow up on this thread. Re: Device List Names Changed or Disappear I don't know what you mean by portal or service, but here is how I get to my Device List: 1. Log in to my Cox account 2. Page down to My Internet. It has icons to "View Email", "Speed Test", "My Wi-Fi", "Modem Reset". I click on "My Wi-Fi". 3. A screen comes up showing "Internet Info", "Network Settings", "Device List". The error message said that Cox could not access the Network or Modem. Because of this I could not click on "Device List". I obviously had an internet connection and was obviously on the Cox website. This problem lasted through the weekend, so my guess is Cox was doing system maintenance. If so may I suggest changing the message to "We are doing system maintenance and this feature will not be available until Monday." I don't know what the IOS is on the IPhone (probably a 6) and IPad but this is not an Apple issue. Two HP laptops and a second Toshiba laptop also have their Device Names changed or lost. We have 3 IPhones and they all have 2 MAC addresses. For each set of 2 the last 6 characters are the same:, for example: aa:bb:cc:B6:B2:39 and xx:yy:zz:B6:B2:39.