ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Looking for internet/network insight Thanks for all the input. Based on the fact that I had connectivity to a certain set of external sites, but not others, I'm leaning towards the thought that there was a temporary issue, for an unknown reason, with IPv4. It would help if I could remember for certain whether Amazon worked or not. Google, Facebook, Microsoft365 are all IPv6 compatible. Amazon, Cox, and the corporate site my wife needed are not. If this ever happens again, I have a better model for analyzing the issue. Looking for internet/network insight I had an unusual experience yesterday and I'm hoping one of you can help me gain insight. My wife said she was having internet issues so I immediately power cycled "everything". Modem, router, switches, etc. on a switched surge protector. When everything came back up, the Arris Modem connection looked good as did the event log. However, I couldn't connect to Cox via internet to see if there was an outage. My wife could not connect to her work. However, I could connect to Gmail, send a Gmail to Outlook, open Outlook via web, and could successfully perform Google searches. So, I thought, perhaps there is a DNS issue going on. I tried to ping and it timed out. I tried to tracert to and never got a response back from my Google router. So, I concluded that perhaps my router had failed, or perhaps Google was having an issue (config is managed in the cloud) so needed a work around. I then grabbed my wife's laptop and connected it to the back of the modem and rebooted the modem. I figured if I could establish a connection that way I could jury rig a connection to her office while I addressed the router. Everything came up, I could ping, I could tracert. So, I figured I'd take a minute and swap back to the router just to confirm. Rebooted, and everything went back to working just fine. I told my wife she could go back to work, and reached out to Google to see if they could provide an explanation. They did a little research and said they had no sign of issues and my network looked good from there end (I had to enable access). So, any thoughts? The behavior suggests something like bad cached DNS, but I would have expected a power cycle to correct that. I'm trying to understand what might have occurred so I can be more proactive going forward. Then again, I've never seen this before. SolvedRe: 2.4 how do i get it A little more context would help. What device did you have before? What did you replace it with? Are you broadcasting a single SSID? If so, 2.4 is probably there, you just aren't seeing individual SSIDs by frequency. Re: Upgrade and purchase a new Modem I prefer keeping the modem and router(s) separate. An Arris SB8200 is about $115 at Best Buy right now and is straightforward to set up and reliable. Note that it is easiest to stop by the local Cox "store" with the MAC and Serial Number, or call in with them for activation, because you can't typically install it and then run the activation remotely from your desktop. Cox won't give you any issues with the activation, and they will automatically update the firmware. Some other ISPs apparently don't do firmware upgrades to user supplied devices which is a challenge. Re: Taking a week off in protest. The Insert Media icon is not doing anything when using Edge. Re: Taking a week off in protest. Posting using two windows. I thought insert media function seems to work on an intermittent basis. Windows 11, Chrome browser. Then I concluded - "Or, perhaps not. It appears that it doesn't actually upload successfully. I get a "Media Upload in Progress. Try again in a few moments." Re: Taking a week off in protest. I was just trying to do a little testing. I don't seem to be able to cut and paste an image, the insert media icon has no effect, and the attachment icon has no effect. Without the ability to share/view status/signal strength/event log, the kinds of advice that have been possible in the past cannot be supported now. I'll mention that the Arris board ( is easier to work with, but it isn't Cox focused. Shout out to Tiff! Who I suspect is moderator Tiffany R. Lovemylab got stuck in limbo when the site refresh occurred. Probably a perfect storm of Google password management, cookies, web changes, and user error. Tiff! has been thoughtful, articulate, focused and incredibly responsive! I very much appreciate the help and being able to get back on line properly! Re: Email notifications Mine is mostly working. Occasionally hitting 502 proxy error and 400 errors, but I'll keep clearing my cache and proceeding carefully while sorting out any loose ends. Re: Not getting posted plan speeds even after in-home visit That's definitely an improvement!