ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Forum broken *again* I am personally boycotting this forum until it is improved. I am informing all parties I assist to stay away from this forum. I have seen nothing but lip service on this issue. All I am asking for is a ticket number but I guess that is not possible. So sad. Re: Cox Mini Box IR Extenders A remote control is just a flash light with a IR bulb. It communicates by flashing the light in different pulses. So just like light, it can reflect off surfaces. You can actually see the pulses if you look with certain cameras in night view mode. Some of it has to do with power of the bulb and sensitivity of the sensor. Glad its working out, but if you have problems there are RF adapters you can connect to the boxes that negate the need for line of sight all together. Re: New SB6183 from DPQ3212 - Random dropouts steviev said: Actually it does not work either way. It seems it would not pull the page because it couldn't get diagnostics (signal levels) from the headend to report If that is the case, it is the first cable modem EVER designed like this. The whole point of having diagnostics is to see whats wrong with the signal coming into the modem, so not being able to access the page when the signal is bad doesn't make design sense. I can test this by unscrewing the coaxal from my modem and I can see reach the Obviously that page will tell me the modem is offline, but it still comes up and says that. What exactly do you get? A error? Can you ping the IP? Can you give a screenshot? BTW, double check your connected to the SB6183 and not some how still connected to the DPQ3212. A phone modem not set up for internet WILL have it's page blocked, so I wonder if that could have anything to do with it. Re: Forum broken *again* Forum broke again today about 30-45min ago and just resolved. The problem seems to be getting worse, not better. What is being done about this? Re: New SB6183 from DPQ3212 - Random dropouts ". This morning I was trying to check the modem log and could not contact it via and the connectivity seemed sporadic." Could you explain this more? Being able to reach the page should be totally indepentant of the service to the modem. Another words, you should be able to bring up that page even if your unscrew the cable cord from the modem. Are you connecting to the modem through a router or direct? Re: Scheduled call forwarding This sounds like it might be for business purposes. Have you considered Cox Business Phone? They have Voicemanager where you can create different schedules then assign those schedules to different features. Create one schedule that includes your open hours, then one for your closed hours, and create two forwarding rules and assign the different schedules to each. See page 78 of this manual for more info. This isn't a sales pitch or anything, just wanted to offer the option in case representives in Residential didn't know. Re: Getting much slower speed on the ultimate plan VincentHu said: I'm currently using Google's onhub router, which is one of the best router there is. Ehhhh, I would personally disagree with that. Google just helped with the GUI, the firmware and hardware is TP-Link which is getting better, but is more inline with value then performance. The onhub just offers alot of automated support that makes it easier to use. Also it has some features for Internet everywhere and some other systems that aren't popular yet. Here is a review on it. Also, what model do you have? There are different versions. Also, how do you have it configured? I assume you bought it from a store and not Google right? Last, what results do you get if you connect direct to the netgear modem? Re: Home Page I believe the change to the page is for the better. The container script seems to be written in HTML5 instead of flash, which is a huge improvement. Also, their site performance went up on The design looks like it would work on tablets better, and seems to be best at 720p. I only use for 2 things, pay my bill and change email account settings, and for that it works great now. Now if only they could apply that kind of upgrade to this forum. I want SMF! Its freeeeeee Re: Can I keep my address if I switch I appreciate your demeanor in your reply. Knowing the subtleties of how and why something can not go as planned help us (public forum community) help others with their email issues. I understand there is always tape backup, but is the 90 policy one of procedure or technical default? I ask because there has seemed to be different results of people closing their accounts and keeping their Cox email inbox. My thoughts have been it's how Cox's customer database sends the deactivation commands to the email server. Also, there is difference between a account and a email account, and I think deleting one doesn't always delete the other. I understand you can't give proprietary specifics, but I welcome any thoughts you have. Good thread. Re: Can I keep my address if I switch I think what Derrick says CAN be true, but it's not a promise. How long your inbox lasts after you cancel service has to do with what email server your username is on, how much storage that server has, server maintenance rotation, etc. That also has alot to do with where you live. On top of that, technical glitches and manual overrides can further complicates things. I have had some usernames last for years after a account is closed, and others that got closed within a hour. I suggest you plan for the worst.