Forum Discussion

gsc331's avatar
New Contributor III
6 years ago

New boxes

I was talking to a cox rep a few days back and she told me their is now new cable boxes available in some areas where dvr recordings can be transported from old box to new box. Anyone know if there is any truth to this.

  • vegaschef75's avatar
    New Contributor II

    they record not on the box but into "the cloud".  I have them and my dvr is almost unwatchable. sound missing for 15 seconds and then they stop half way through the recording with the message "sorry having problems try again later".  cox is coming tomorrow to replace the boxes!

  • gsc331's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I am not to savy on this. What do you mean record onto a cloud

    • vegaschef75's avatar
      New Contributor II

      check the thread dvr hard drive vs the cloud.  i hope it will explain it 

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      They call it a "cloud" because when engineers sketched a diagram of a network, they'd draw the workstations, servers, printers, routers, encryption etc.  The network would eventually lead to an outside connection (Internet), so they'd show the interior router, firewall, public servers and then an exterior router which would connect to the Internet (a mesh of commercially leased circuits).  They'd just symbolize that connection to an image of a cloud to identify an outside connection to the world-wide mesh.

      Some goofy marketing twit, however, saw it,  thought it looked fluffy and started to market it.

      The cloud in this case is just storage on the Internet; however, I doubt the storage is just oddly dangling somewhere on the Internet but instead securely maintained within the Cox domain.  Selling it as "cloud" makes it fluffy and fun so you'll buy this service!

      • gsc331's avatar
        New Contributor III

        So basically cloud means viewing via internet on computer