Forum Discussion
Do you have a Contour (Contour 2) or Cox TV (Contour 1) cable box?
I can't speak for Contour but a Cox TV cable box will fail to record scheduled programming if the respective program entry in Series Manager has been corrupted. You can determine if that has occurred by selecting any program in Series Manager and pressing the "B" button ("Modify Series Priority"). If you see an error after doing that, you have one or more corrupted entries. Select the entry in Series Manager for the program that failed to record and select "Edit Record Options". If you get an error, that program entry is corrupted. Delete it and re-create it from the Guide. If you still get an error when "B" is pressed while a Series Manager entry is selected, you have one or more other corrupted entries. Error resolution will require selecting "Edit Record Options" for each entry in Series Manager until you have identified and deleted all corrupted entries.
Selecting a program in Series Manager and pressing the "B" button runs a query for a collection of all programs in Series Manager. If any program entriy is corrupted, the process will fail. “Edit Record Options” applies to a selected program only. If it’s corrupted, the process will fail for that program only. That’s how to identify corrupted program entries. The solution is to identify and delete all corrupted programs in Series Manager and re-create them from the Guide.
If you have a Contour box, you might be able to fix your issue by applying a Contour version of the above process. See Managing Contour Scheduled Recordings
If you're able to fix your issue, post what you did so that other Forum members can benefit.
I have a Contour 1 box. "Edit Record Option" works for all the missed recordings from yesterday & overnight into this morning. It doesn't appear that problem is the cause or fix.
I notice this morning that my DVR has not identified missed recordings since it missed the first 2 on Friday. After missing those 2, I did a power off reboot. I can now manually record, but all scheduled recordings are failing.
BTW, the Cox telephone support guy was unable to effect a reboot from his end, so the only reboot option for me was the power off reboot of the DVR.
- CurtB3 years agoHonored Contributor
Did you try to reset your cable box from the Cox website?
SIgn into Cox > My account > TV > (Equipment: Cox TV Box) Reset device
Have any scheduled programs recorded since you first noticed the problem? Schedule something to record in the next few minuites and see what happens.
Do you know there wasn't an outage when scheduled programming failed? I'm not sure how you verify that, but if failed recordings was an isolated incident, it could have been due to an outage.
Did you get an error when you accessed the "Modify Series Priority" screen?
DVR Guide > Series Manager > Right arrow > B button
If you could get to the "Modify Series Priority" screen, you don't have corrupted programs. The "Edit Record Options" test wouldn't have been necessary.
Since you're able to set manual recordings, your DVR service status is probably okay, but you could contact and ask them to check on it. Include your name, full service address and a link to this Forum thread.
- CUTiger783 years agoNew Contributor III
I did try to reset my cable box from the Cox website w/ no luck.
I am also able to get into the "Modify Series Priority" screen."
I think my scheduled series recordings may have started to work again this morning. I'll report back tomorrow.
- CurtB3 years agoHonored Contributor
There’s obviously some reason why your scheduled recordings failed. You’ve eliminated an issue with Series Manager. You can also eliminate a Cox change of your DVR service from Record 6 to Record 2. (A conflict with a third recording would have generated a "higher priority" error. You said the DVR hadn't identified any missed recordings).
Did any scheduled programming record from last Thursday-Friday until this morning? If the issue persisted for 3-5 days, you can probably eliminate outage as the cause. It might be a signal issue. Have you noticed anything else that might indicate a poor signal that could affect scheduled programming?
If you haven't done so already, you should contact and ask them if they are aware of any recent issues with your account or in your area that might have affected scheduled program recording. Also, ask them if they can check your signal.
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