Forum Discussion

clubpardo's avatar
New Contributor II
12 months ago

DO NOT USE COX COMMUNICATIONS for your home TV cable service!

I just posted this on Google reviews.  Please be aware of what is going on with returns and my opinion of how they are scamming people with their UPS return service.***********************

DO NOT USE COX COMMUNICATIONS for your home TV cable service!

In my opinion their return equipment service option is not reliable and they are difficult to work with. 

I moved in February and followed their lousy return process for equipment using UPS. I brought my equipment in, the counter person at UPS scanned the device, gave me a receipt and I was on my way. Then weeks later, I started receiving phone calls telling me to return the equipment or face a fee of $150. I explained over and over that I returned the device and provided the UPS tracking number showing receipt at their AZ return center that  was signed for by “Aragon”.   Each time they would say, ok we will notate the account as equipment received. 

Despite communicating the UPS number, this continued on as I saw I had a balance due of $150 on my closed account!  I called in to Cox to find out what the issue is and why they would not recognize my return.  Now they say that the device number they had on file for my Contour box was not returned.  A tracer was put on it and I had to wait a week to find out that they continue to say I did not return the contour box.  They cannot tell me what was returned by me, based on the scan of the equipment that UPS did and that “Aragon” signed for.  They just continue to repeat that I owe $150 for the box and that I am now going to collections if I don’t pay their extortion equipment fee. I have perfect credit, have no reason to keep their box,  and will probably have to pay their extortion fee in order to settle this! 

I was a customer for 7 years and never had a late payment.  I have to guess that a mistake was made by Cox when the box was originally sent to me since the equipment serial number does not match what they have on file.  I even contacted UPS and they confirmed they scan the equipment to get the number, and do not manually enter it.

Please think carefully about choosing these clowns 🤡 for your home TV Services.  You use the return service they provide, then they will say it wasn’t the equipment you had, but cant tell you what you returned!  Tell your friends as well.  Now I am setting up service at my new home, I absolutely will not use Cox after this horrible experience where I am being held hostage regarding an equipment return I absolutely did according to their instructions.


  • clubpardo


    I'm sorry to hear that this has happened!  I can help!  Please send me an email at and include your full name and address.  Please also attach a link to this forums post.  



    Cox Support Forums Moderator

  • clubpardo's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Once i posted the above, this issue was resolved at Cox with Stephanie S and others.  The charges were removed from my account.