Forum Discussion

pmr's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Copy Protection enabled in Orange County as of Mid-August?

I did some digging today, and it looks like Cox has re-enabled the copy-protection bit for all non-local content. I was able to move recordings between my units on non-premium channels up until around August 20. Since then, everything on basic cable is flagged with a CCI 0x02, meaning not-copy. This includes basic cable like TCM and Hallmark. Is anyone else in OC seeing this?

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I thought this was the point of DRM?  To not move copy-right stuff to non-negotiated equipment.  Could you move recordings before?  Perhaps Tivo changed.

    • pmr's avatar
      New Contributor

      TCM has never been copy-protected before. This started a couple of weeks ago, to the best of my knowledge. I have had no problems with this channel up until September. Other channels that have not had DRM before, like MSNBC, are still transferable. This is specifically a change on TCM.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        This is weird.  I'd think...of all channels...TCM with it's commercial-free, uninterrupted format would be the first to protect copy-rights.