Forum Discussion

OldBob2's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Contour2 box not showing movies full screen

After having to exchange my contour 2 recording box, a lot of commercials and moves are no longer showing full screen like they used to.  Is cox no longer sending a 1080p signal which I have it set to?  I have changed nothing on Sony TV (would not think a new Contour box would do anything with TV settings) and the device setting on Cox is set to default the set up selected as 1080p.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Try enabling the Zoom option beneath your resolution setting.

    • OldBob2's avatar
      New Contributor III

      In the section where you select your resolution?  the Zoom has two options Full and None..The Full setting is a bit blurry so None is clearer.  I tried Zoom set to Full and alas HBO still panoramic .

    • OldBob2's avatar
      New Contributor III

      We were afraid of what is the purpose of having a TV set to 720 which is very old quality?

      Will this same thing happen on an  new OLED set?

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        You may still have SD channels in your Program for your market.  If you click the Guide button and then click it again, there will be View options.  I'd explore with the HD Channels as opposed to All Channels.  With HD Channels selected, test for the 4:3 ratio.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    What do you mean by not full screen?  Do you see a complete picture albeit in a 4:3 ratio or is the picture full horizontally but not vertically or vice versa?  Meaning is there anything missing on the screen?  You could probably best test on a cable-news channels because these have graphics on the bottom and sides.

    • OldBob2's avatar
      New Contributor III

      on HBO movies there are black bars on top and bottom.

      • Allan's avatar
        @oldBob2, Most movies are formatted for widescreen meaning that it is very common to see a black bar on the bottom and on the top of the screen while watching them. Other programs may not have those bars (such as some series) since they may not have been originally formatted for the big screen theater. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III
    what is the purpose of having a TV set to 720

    I originally didn't know what you meant by this.  Your TV shouldn't be configured for any extraneous video processing after the cable-box.  Meaning, let the cable-box decode and process the video and the TV to accept the signal as is (native, normal, default, etc.).  You can tweak your TV settings after resolving this letter-boxing effect.

    Using your Contour menu, you could also Refresh the cable-box in case the Solution Store failed to do so.

    Reconnect cable-box to another HDMI port on your TV.

    ...and if all else fails, exchange the cable-box.

    • OldBob2's avatar
      New Contributor III

      thank you Bruce..I get the same if I connect to another HDMI source.  I reset the box too-a Zoom setting is burred. .  I did find a setting>preferences>General>Prefer Best Available Resolution was set to I put back to ON but still some movies on HBO still have the top/bottom black bars.  Is this something new that we cannot control from Cox since they went to 720?  Before this replacement box, we never noticed all these shows and even commercials with the bars..even some commercials are part full screen and part with bars. 

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III
        if I connect to another HDMI source

        Another HDMI source, such as a Blu-ray player?  You connected another video source and got the same letter-boxing (top/bottom black bars)?  This means your TV is altering the aspect ratio.  Unless you meant you connected Contour to another HDMI port on your TV.  Perhaps swap the HDMI cable.

        There is no "Reset" on Contour.  Did you Restart or Refresh?

        "Prefer Best Available Resolution" is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels on a screen.  This should be "On."

        Cox didn't go 720p.  The networks decide the format of their programming.  Some networks are SD, 720p or 1080i.  Contour "de-interlaces" 1080i to 1080p.  If it's an HD program, however, the aspect ratio is 16:9.

        Commercials don't letter-box...unless they're being crafty to get your attention.  I haven't seen this, yet.

        I think the issue is with your TV.  Check its setting for Closed Caption or Extended Data Services (XDS) being enabled.  Again, try another HDMI cable.

        What's the make/model of your TV?