Forum Discussion
Cox Support,
And every other Cox employee offering that kind of pablum.
I invite you to take the BROKEN 9865HDC CHALLENGE!
TRY IT YOURSELF before you give out incorrect answers.
1. Use the same box people have been complaining about. 9865HDC, Cisco. (NOT the Arris box.)
2. Use a TV that support 1080, 60Hz.
3. Set the cable box to 1080i 60Hz. Verify this with the TVs on-screen controls and the cable box settings. Get some help from a qualified Cox technician if you do not know how to do this.
4. REBOOT or UNPLUG the cable box. (Exactly what you are suggesting as a first-line CURE LOL!) Bonus points! After completing the challenge, go back to step one, but change your method of reset, REBOOT or UNPLUG.) Because we wouldn't want you to miss the experience of being asked to do the same thing over and over and ...
5. After the box resets, check the cable box settings and and TV's own status. Is it 1080? Or is it 720?
6. Bonus experiment! After setting the box back to 1080, let it sit, connected, over-night. In the morning, test again. It it 1080 or 720?
CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the BROKEN 9865HDC challenge!
Now, go one step up the ladder at Cox, and ask your supervisor to try the BROKEN 9865HDC challenge.
SUPER BONUS! If you get your supervisor to take the challenge, ask them to get THEIR supervisor to take the challenge!
CONGRATULATIONS! You have started to learn the basics of effective internal communication, something sorely lacking at Cox!
Maybe eventually, Cox reps will start giving out the right answer:
"There is no currently solution to this problem. It is an inherent flaw in the settop box firmware. We are working with the box vendor on a solution. We do have boxes from another vendor that work correctly, but we won't give you one. We have no ETA for solution."
While that's not what customers want to hear, it will probably do more for customer retention than the approach you have been taking.
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