DRVEGASValued Contributor2 years agoVoicemail email notifications I'm curious if anyone can get the voicemail email notifications to work or if they aren't working for anybody?
DRVEGASValued Contributor to CurtB2 years agoThat's exactly what is happening when I try to activate it as well.
DRVEGASValued Contributor to CurtB2 years agoI've been emailing them all day about this issue so time will tell. They are aware that we have this problem with the email notifications 🤔JuanCModerator to DRVEGAS2 years agoHello DRVEGAS, I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with your voicemail email notification. May I ask what email address have you been reaching to get support? Cox Forum ModeratorDRVEGASValued Contributor to JuanC2 years agoCox.Help@cox.comShow More
DRVEGASValued Contributor to CurtB2 years agoI've been emailing them all day about this issue so time will tell. They are aware that we have this problem with the email notifications 🤔
JuanCModerator to DRVEGAS2 years agoHello DRVEGAS, I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with your voicemail email notification. May I ask what email address have you been reaching to get support? Cox Forum Moderator
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