Forum Discussion

Telephohne's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

Update telephone service

According to your letter I need to update my telephone service. . I guess I need to schedule  a  teck to come to my hose add to my telephone line< My internet is fine to this free add on. 

I have call 4 times , went to your service center 2x, bout a router a Target that you service rep told me I need. Went to target purchased recommended router, got home same router that I already called said my internet was ok as  I had 4gig service. . Back to target returned router. Now back to where I started a week ago. but have 2nd letter to today. said to visit on Internet, , did so but no instruction, all they want is to sell me more services. All I want is the free upgrade as outline in the letter. 

Not sure how to to this, not instruction on your site and to schedule a teck???  Maybe wait until I get 3rd letter . Not usre where PIN is is that I get billed and pay auto from bank account, no paper files  and not on my account number page????  My account # *********** last # ssn ****. My address is ***********************, My telephone is ***-***-****. Secret word is -******. Not sure if left anything out . Call or e-mail when a teck can show up.

I may retire so home almost always

Raymond L. Kohls

  • Hello,

    We can certainly look into any account related issues on your behalf and we can correspond through email with you. Please send us your full name, account information, and a link to this thread to so we can  research and help resolve this issue on your behalf. 


    Allan - Cox Support Forums Moderator.