Forum Discussion

Telephone_Suppo's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Phone "upgrade" failure

I'm about to pull out my hair.  10 days ago a technician came to install a modem but left without us having any phone service.  "It should work by 8:15 tomorrow."  That next afternoon I was told the problem is at Cox's end and should be resolved the next afternoon.  5 days later I was told a ticket needed to be created and it should be resolved in 24 - 48 hours.  2 days later another technician (not Cox employee) was dispatched for the next day.  That day (day 9) he was attentive, followed up several times to see if it was working but no.  It was "high priority" and being worked.  What is going on?  We still have no phone and no security system.

  • Hi there,

    I cannot imagine how incredibly frustrated you must be at this point. I'd like to review the account details to see what needs to be done to get your services working. Please send me an email to with your full name and the service address. One more thing, be sure to include the link to this thread. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • March 19th and still no service and no updates.  Modem contractor called yesterday to confirm that our phone service still hasn't been restored which we knew.  When will Cox care??

  • Good Morning,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with the phone service. We can take a closer look at this issue for you. Please email your full name and address to

    Thank you,
  • Vladodet's avatar
    New Contributor

    We have had reliable phone service from COX for over 30 years.  On December 15, 2017 we "upgraded" our phone.  Shortly after the "upgrade" all our phones, (8)  stopped working.  Fortunately we only use our COX phones as backup in an emergency but after the recent problems I question whether that will be an option anymore.  We scheduled a service call for today, but no one showed.  Wasted 2 hours of my time for nothing.  I had to schedule another service call.  I hope they show.  Been without the backup phone for about 3 months.  I asked if I could go back to the way things were, they said no everyone is getting converted.  I am frustrated.  Between the cable , internet and phone our monthly payments resemble a car payment.  If this is not resolved permanently this week I might have to look at alternative vendors of these services.  Or maybe it's time to "cut the cord" and downsize.  Companies should not roll out products that don't work.

  • Karen_R's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello Vladodet,

    Thank you for reaching out to Cox Forum Support. We can take a look at your account. Please send an email with this forum link, your full name, and address to We will reply back once we receive the email. Thanks