Forum Discussion

Cheri_Christens's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago


I can hear a dial tone on my landline, and can call out. However, no one can call me. Help.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Silly question but how do you know they can't call you?  What do they hear?  Do you have any special features enabled on your account?

    • Cheri_Christens's avatar
      New Contributor

      Because I can't call on my cell phone, and my friends and family have told me.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        That's why I qualified my question as silly but you obviously have proof.

        When you call yourself, do you just hear the ringing tone, no ringing tone, "not in service" or something else?

        What type of telephone modem do you have:  standalone, all-in-one?  What's its make/model?