If you had a corrupted contact, it could cause Call History to fail. The view you see (when it works) is the result of joining a calls table of your incoming and outgoing calls to a contacts table that you maintain. Since you're able to expand Address Book, I don't think you have a corrupted contact. But you could still test contacts individually by selecting each one and clicking "Edit Contact". At least check the last contact you added before Call History stopped working, if you know which one it was.
If you don't have a corrupted contact, you probably have corrupted calls data. You should get another email account, even if you only use it to communicate with cox.help@cox.com. Contact them and ask for your ticket number. Ask them to verify with the "Phone Tools Team" that they've checked your call history for corrupted data. When Social Media Support updates your ticket, it should trigger a fresh look at your issue and a status update.