Forum Discussion

dcmiller12's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Arris TM3402

I have internet plus phone from Cox; I'm currently on the 150MB plan. I'd like to upgrade the internet, which requires a new modem. I don't want a combo/router unit; I have my own router setup and no reason to change it. The TM3402 modem would seem to suit the bill, but it seems to be unobtainable. I've tried both online chat and calling the nearest store; both told me that the panoramic gateway combo modem is my only option. Has anyone had any luck getting this modem from Cox?

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  • dcmiller12's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I came at this from a different angle... reaching out to Cox via Twitter. Initially the rep there told me to go to the store and that they would have it, but I said that I wasn't willing to make the trip unless he could confirm this, and he said that he had no way to do this. But he offered to have one shipped, and he says that it should go out Monday. Since I may not be the only one with an interest I'll post back here about whether I receive it.

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      I thought you called your nearest store?  What will Cox ship to you?

      • dcmiller12's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Supposed to be a TM3402. I assume that you're shipping from some place more central than the nearest store. But we'll see if it actually arrives.

    • gobigredno1's avatar
      New Contributor II

      It ships via UPS and it takes 2-3 days. They ship them out M-F. You can get a tracking number from Cox as well. 

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Buy your own modem and keep the older modem connected for telephone service.

    • dcmiller12's avatar
      New Contributor II

      That's a possibility, but then I have to hook up a splitter. I think that I would do that rather than pay Cox $12/month for a modem that I hear isn't very good, though.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        You're correct about the splitter but if you currently have no're in a much better situation.

        I have the TM3402 and its DOCSIS conked out last week.  I had to connect an older DOCSIS and the conked-out TM3402 because its telephone side still works.  However, to connect 2 devices, I had to replace my 2-way splitter with a 3-way.  More splits...more degradation.

        However, you have no splitter so you won't have as much degradation with the 2-way solution.

        Just make sure to connect your Internet modem to the lesser leg of the splitter (3.5 dB).

  • dcmiller12's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Got the (correct) modem today. So if anyone else is having trouble getting the TM3402, I'd try reaching out to Cox via Twitter.

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      Great news!  I'd just avoid online chat; however, the reps' reaction at your Store surprised me.  They're usually pretty good.