Forum Discussion

Moonie71's avatar
New Contributor II
5 months ago

You force us to switch to Yahoo and they add in ads.

I wasn't happy with the forced move to Yahoo as our email provider and now just a week or so after the forced move they put ads in the middle of the email folders. Now I am VERY unhappy with you Cox!


  • Godoo425's avatar
    New Contributor

    I totally agree Moonie. This was a very Richard move by cox. I’m pretty pissed off about the Yahoo ads. If my email address wasn’t tied to everything I would dump it all, Yahoo and Cox. Rat-Bastards. 😡🤬

  • kiki-AZ's avatar
    New Contributor

    This was a lousy thing they did.  if I wanted my email to flow thru a tracking - info sharing provider I would have started using Yahoo or Gmail years ago.. As many of you have shared email is one of the reasons for staying with cox.  I've had these email addresses for 15 to 20 years.  I don't need a high level of encryption or super secret email I just want the sense of privacy and security I had when my email was thru my landline phone & internet provider.  I started & continued using cox because I did not want to have to change emails.  At very least we should have been given the option of a paid email - would have been upset but at least could have made our own choices.  Now if I do not want to continue giving Yahoo access to my email [which I don't]  I need to research providers - make a choice using knowledge I do not have after reading articles I do not understand -figure out who to use - update email address with 15+ years worth of accounts etc - and will most likely end up paying for the service.  Not sure when it will happen but I will be looking into leaving Cox completely because of this.

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      Oh no, kiki. I'm so sorry for the difficulties you're having with the Yahoo migration. I want to help.  Please email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. I would be glad to assist you.