Xbox one slow upload speed
- 7 years ago
Well since net neutrality rules are dead since June 11th 2018 Internet companies such as Cox can throttle anything they like. Do they have to tell you? No! Can they act like there appears to be a problem on your end? Absolutely!
I started playing a game on my Xbox One X recently that I haven't played for months. I stopped playing it around August of 2018. My in game ping was steady and fairy low most of the time and didn't fluctuate much. Now my ping if high and shows horrible ping fluctuations. To top it off my game now lags. I've tested this early in the morning too around 2:00 am with nothing else in my house using the internet. Throttling? Probably.
- 7 years ago
Hi Kevin cox
i have had 4 different techs come out since this started in October last year. New wiring, no change. I have bought new equipment with no change. Everything is fine except upload to all Xbox consoles. As stated above when this post began, I believe this is a corporate wide service issue. Clearly everyone on this forum is geographically spread out, yet we all have terrible upload and all of us are averaging around 1.5 mb/s upload, where I should be getting 30mb/s upload. Microsoft has been blamed by your above coworkers, but if it was an Xbox Microsoft issue, why do my consoles work with an AT&T hot spot (15mb/s upload), Verizon, even windstream??? No one will help. I’m angry! You coxhave cost me almost half my monthly income due to me not having the ability to stream. I can barely play a game. I also have 15 xbox owners/friends, 3 of whom work for cox, with this exact same problem just in my town. I don’t understand why you guys won’t hook an Xbox up to your service and see this issue for yourself. I did! I hooked my Xbox one x up to your internet at the local cox store in my town and showed them. In the 4 years I have been a customer, I have never had this issue with your company. All you and your coworkers have done is ask the same repeating questions to all of us...EXAMPLE “contact us by email and we can look at your equipment again”. And if it truely is Microsoft, why can’t one of you contact them to fix this issue? You have thousands of Xbox gamers as your customers! A company calling versus a single customer calling is night and day different. You don’t need to look at anything other than the services you provide and the services you promised to provide.
- 7 years ago
I just got off the phone with Xbox support and had a technician for cox leave my house. My Xbox’s(that’s right more than one) get 1.7 upload and everything else in my house gets 15-18mbps upload. I can’t stream because my quality is horrific. I’m lost now and don’t know what to do. I don’t want to pay for this ** service anymore but cox is a monopoly in my area. Nothing else has the speeds.
- 7 years ago
Same problem in nevada
- 6 years ago
Since Cox is throttling (traffic shaping) upload speeds to specific gaming endpoint servers you will get poor gaming performance. This has been the case since net neutrality was repealed in 2018.
I ran the Xbox One speed test randomly during different times of the day and sometimes I get up to 5 mbs upload and other times I get 0.15 mbs speeds. It's just crazy
You won't find a fix for this. I've tested with with 2 different modems completely bypassing my firewall (router) with the same results.
- 6 years ago
I have tried changing my mac address and that did not change my upload speed what so ever. I have gigablast on docsis 3.1 and NOT fiber and the highest I have seen is 3.3Mbps of upload speed.
- 6 years ago
Not becky's tests from above, however If you go to the Cox speed test (be sure you are logged into your cox account so it stores the results) you can get your PC to also have a slow upload speed by changing the server (IE Las Vegas, San Diego, ew Mexico, Etc.). Upload speed is separate from Latency. Changing the server cox uses for testing should only affect the ping \ Latency and not the speed in any way. This proves that it is a Cox issue. Also, Cox doesn't even use their own speed test. because they get favorable results form they use that so they can say everything is fine. Cox used to be the best. Not any more
- 6 years ago
I'm guessing there is still no fix to this??? Someone in a different thread said it could be due them turning off a certain port. I've noticed this issue since OCT and I have a xr500 router getting 400mbps download and 2.5 upload. Pathetic
- 6 years ago
Please check out this photo. On the left is my friends xbox. He lives 2 miles away and has a local internet company's 320mbps plan. My xbox is on the right. I have cox ultimate 300. We have the same exact motorola 24x8 modem with ethernet going to xbox. Clearly there is an issue with cox and their upload speed on xbox.
- 6 years ago
Kevin, I have this exact same issue and have posted many times on this. Again, what I have done:
-port forwarding
-new wiring
-checked firmware to make sure it’s updated
-5 new modem/routers (arris and netgear)
-new consoles
-I even turned off my firewall to run test
i pay for 300 down and 30 up. I get 1-3 up on both Xbox one s, one x, and all of my friends in NW Arkansas who own Xbox get the same 1-3 up. That’s over 40 of us. It doesn’t matter if you have the gigablast which I tried, 50 down 5 up plan, or 100 down 10 up plan, you will never go above 3Mb/s up on Xbox. This started in October 2018. Please find a fix, and if this has anything to do with net neutrality please be honest and say so, so I can downgrade my plan. My Xbox is my gaming, my television, and some internet surfing entertainment. My gaming and twitch streaming has been negatively effected with some being unplayable at times. This has went on for 6 + months now with no fix.