3 years agoNew Contributor
Just got the new panoramic gateway PW8. HP air printer can not find the WiFi. No WPS button on the gateway and can not find anything in the apps to turn it on. Anybody got any suggestions.
Thanks, I thought that was just the reset button. How long do I press it to enter just WPS? Will the white light change
Not sure. Don't have one to test. Maybe a second or two. Just don't hold it 60 seconds or it will factory reset.
BTW, WPS is a security vulnerability. If it was me I would disable it and find some way to connect the device manually. However that may not be possible with your printer/gateway.
Just checked the manual on FCC's site and the light should blink blue. Page 11.
Thanks again, I’ll give it a try. I assume I will be able to press it again to turn off WPS
Something to test but the manual says it times out in 2 minuets.
Great info, thanks