Forum Discussion

TiredofSpam's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Why so much Spam and Phishing

I can't understand why Cox cannot police its email service to cut down or eliminate Spam.  My only conclusion is that Cox wants it and encourages it.  Why else would I get so many Spam emails from various senders, many of which say they are from Cox Communications and phishing for my account information.

  • I completely understand your position and I want to help. As it occurs, please forward each example to us at We will add it to the list of blocked mails for you. If they are coming from Cox senders that have valid emails, they may have a PC infected with a SpamBot, or your email may have been shared between bots. Sending them to will be the best way to resolve an existing issue ands be sure not to use your full email address on an unprotected website (ie, HTTP as opposed to HTTPS). I hope this is helpful. If you need more assistance, please email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. We're happy to assist you.