Maybe they did correct somethings.
Update. To date this month...108 GB thru 11 days. Less than 11 GB per day. No substantive change in viewing patterns.
I can't explain it. I did dial down what I could via Firestick settings. But I did that early last month as well. By curtailing somethings last month...inconveniently not watching multiple TV's...we came in at 999 GB used. On pace to do less than 300 GB this month without having changed anything back on setting yet.
We've never been near that monthly low either.
Knowing I'm well below usage budget I actually tried to use more data by leaving more TV's on Sunday..10 GB.
Definitely something in the stream...not completely our end. I manage our router and I have to manually add a user, not just have a password. Not that it's an issue. I have one neighbor within 100 yards.
So, I'm going to dial up the firestick settings this month and monitor results for a couple weeks. Will update.