special characters in password
here's the pw instructions:
Your case-sensitive password must be between 8 and 24 characters long.
Include at least one letter.
Include at least one number.
Passwords may not contain any form of the word "password", your email or your User ID.
You may only include these special characters: !@#$%^*()
New password cannot be equal to current password.
I have been trying to input a new password that meets ALL of these criteria including two special characters from the list. BUT the program won't accept it. The list does not say you MUST have special characters, so I tried simply eliminating the characters. what's up with this?
What does it mean to say "any form" for your pw, email, or user ID? Suppose my old password was "dump" and my new proposed password included those same letters in any order or combination ("mudp"). would that be illegal? Or suppose i proposed "damp" instead? or "dum%"?
I can't figure out how to satisfy the program and compose something I can actually remember.