Forum Discussion

sco250's avatar
New Contributor
3 days ago


Why can't anyone at Cox give us any information on why our internet is out? I called in today and was told my outage hasn't been updated since Saturday. Well why not? The useless texts state that they are working on it....funny thing is, there's not a single Cox truck in sight anywhere on my road. 

My guess is they've got some old outdated equipment hanging on a pole somewhere nearby and they keep patching it up instead of upgrading it to serve us better. They know we don't have a whole lot of options out here when it comes to internet service and it seems they just don't care to keep ours going. It's a crappy situation and Cox not doing anything or even giving updates says a lot about them and what kind of company they've turned into. 

  • sco250 I was able to locate your account using the credentials you used to register for forums and can see that your area is down right now. I can understand your frustration with not being provided any details of what's going on with the outage impacting your area. The information provided to you in the Cox app is the same information available to agents. We often just don't have any details available. I wish there was more I could do remotely, but rest assured our teams are aware and engaged in restoring service as quickly as possible.

    If you have additional questions I recommend reaching out to us via email at since other members of our community forums would be unable to assist with an outage, or with any matters related specifically to your account. I know you are in a frustrating situation, but please also know that posting repeatedly in our forums regarding the same subject across multiple threads can cause this platform to automatically restrict you from posting. We don't want that to happen. 

    Since other community members won't be able to assist you with your concern I will be turning off comments.