Forum Discussion
Clear your cache files and cookies, and then try to go manually to
I tested it on my mac with Safari and Opera. Both worked fine, and I am on the new webmail.
Additionally, They don't charge you for webmail, HOW can corporate greed even figure into this picture?
If you are talking about Internet speeds, what modem are you using and have you tested your speed with a computer connected via ethernet, since testing over WiFi is inaccurate.
If you want assistance in addressing your issues, there are several of us here that between us, we have DECADES of experience, and we will be glad to help, unless you are here to slander, cast aspersions, and kvetch.
I have the preferred internet which has been upgraded to 500 down/50 up. With the right equipment and settings -
Over WiFi. It can be donw, but I installed some fairly expensive equipment, a CM2000 Modem, and since the router I bought died, I went ahead and installed a RAXE300 Netgear. The test you see was done using WiFi 6.
HOW can corporate greed even figure into this picture?
Salad bars
You don't have to be clumsily charged for something to understand value. You may have chosen Golden Corral over all other restaurants because its free salad bar is included in the price of your meal. This would be more for your dollar. If Golden Corral removed its salad bar, this would be less for your dollar.
Although most email service is free, there is a cost (burden) to update your digital responsibilities and lifestyle. Curtis may have specifically chosen Cox because free email was included in the cost for service one time...Cox had a more reliable email service.
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
I remember when Cox had newsgroups. So few people used them that there was barely a whimper when Cox closed them down. I think something similar will happen to Cox email. Slowly, less and less people will use it until it's a cost burden too great to justify.
- Bruce2 years agoHonored Contributor III
Cox was probably ineffective maintaining the newsgroup so it didn't appeal to anybody. Nobody is using it, so close it down. Besides, the Forum would have replaced the newsgroup. What will replace email?
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
Besides, the Forum would have replaced the newsgroup.
When I say newsgroup, I mean the file sharing variety like Usenet, so different then a forum. When Cox shut there's down people who still used it moved to 3rd party solutions. The same will happen when Cox "eventually" shuts down their email or outsources it completely to a non-branded solution like Verizon did.
- Not_A_Happy_Cus2 years agoNew Contributor II
How about I have to continue to pay for internet service at $50 so that my deceased father's email address does not go away. No small fee to keep it active, we have removed the modem and are not using any internet. Too many services use email to "verify" logins and it will be 4-6 more months before we can safely shut down his email. So, $50 a month to receive a hand full of verification emails, GREED. No break for the dead, no policy to enable an extension for a modest price, no ability to transfer his email address to my Cox account...
- clues7982 years agoNew Contributor
What has happened to Cox Cable? Most of the time I cannot delete e-mails (even though I have checked the automatic function in e-mail); Part of the time stuff is going inro Spam that I cannot even view; and occasionally I cannot even open e-mails to read them. I have called Cox about this issue and was told they had placed a problem report and I would hear from Cox regarding a resolution. Nothing from Cox to date. Does anyone recommend a different internet service? At this point, I'm done with Cox. Too many problems. They took a wonderfully functioning service and totally destroyed it. Gives a new meaning to the old saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it."
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