Are you connected via ethernet, or WiFi. If you are going to be gaming, avoid WiFi. Too many things can cause momentary interruptions with WiFi that has nothing to do with your cable internet signal, or Cox's responsibility. Do you use a modem/router, or separate units? What make/model equipment are you using.
If you would like help in resolving the issue, We are here to assist, Between WMO and myself you have over 2 decades, (and close to 3 I think) of experience working for Cox, as well as experience in networking, WiFi, analog and digital communications and more. Recently I responded to a rant from someone mad at Cox because all of a sudden their data usage went Sky High, and Cox wasn't any help. Well, it's not Cox's responsibility, and we found out, that he had put ONEDRIVE on his cell phone, and it was doing complete updates on a daily basis.
So, if you want help, we can help, if you want to kvetch, (Yes WMO, I used that word again, lol), your rant is falling on deaf ears.