That sucks! It really does! And we losing out on money because we can't work! And when you get someone to finally speak with and you're expressing your anger/fear of being fired. They want to say please don't use profanity. Grow up! I said the service is BS! It is! Then they said sorry for your loss, no it's going to be cox loss if I get fired! It's total BS! I know it's not the person fault, I'm talking to, it's your friggen company you work for! I had a very important billing task to turn in before 4pm, and all you can say is sorry for your loss? Try send this up to COX CEO and let them know for the **bleep** prices they charge for only internet, which is almost $200, 186-191 every month, is a **bleep** ripoff! My husband had to leave work, it was so bad for him. There is another company that has fiber, clearly I do need to check and see how their service is. This does not make sense. At all! And it is happening more and more often lately. Super ridiculous paying this amount and the service is not faster, as the other lying sob said it would be if you get this plan. No, it's literally the same! It sucks you have to go and rant about service vs getting on the phone with your customers. It's sad! Stuff way too expensive now a days, and you can't even get on the phone and talk. They want to use sensitive ppl to chat with & not resolving anything. Pathetic!