Forum Discussion
Just to be clear, you have a Panoramic gateway, not a modem, right? If so, can you post the signal levels? From > user;admin password;password > Connection > Cox Network. Easiest way is to upload a screenshot to Imgur or some other site and post the link. Just post the downstream and upstream levels, not where it shows your MAC address.
Thanks for your help and attention. I went to Got the Cox Gateway login. The user admin and password password did not work. I called cox cable they could not get into my user name and password until I went out and unplugged the modem and reset it, then they finally got in. They reset the user name and password 3 times... it would not take. It kept saying wrong user name. But not wrong password. I tried so many times it kept timing out for 5 minutes at a time. I got a date for them to come out but not until next week. I am going to go to the Cox Store tomorrow and get a new box, hopefully that does the trick. Crossing my fingers.
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
Did you try a factory reset? Do you have a black or white Panoramic gateway? If black, hold down the reset button/hole for 10 seconds under the coaxial port. If white, hold down the WPS button above the telephone ports for 60 seconds. If that doesn't work, swap it at the Cox store. While your at it, if you have the black one, see if they can upgrade to the white one.
- geegeex572 years agoNew Contributor II
Wait I finally got in!!! I hope this is it here:
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
Signal levels look bad. Should be +5 to -5dB and SNR should be above 35/36. Any splitters you can bypass? If not, seems you will have to wait for a technician.
- geegeex572 years agoNew Contributor II
I have the white one, and I just came back from the Cox store, they gave me a new one. Got it all hooked up got internet.... for 15 minutes again and it's off again! GRRR
So that is not the issue. I can't even get into cox login. it won't take any of the usernames and passwords. I guess I will have to wait until next week to get someone to come out. I did try the little pinhole reset on the old one to no avail.
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
The username is admin and password is password. All lower case. What does the login page look like? Do you have any other routers you might be connecting to instead?
Also, can you explain how the coaxial gets from the street to the room the modem is in? Do you have Cox TV service? If so, any splitters you can bypass to see if that will fix the internet until the tech can come out.
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