Forum Discussion

eastcoastg's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

I am at a complete and utter loss...

Since I went back to Cox almost two months ago, I have not one day, yes, not ONE day, had continuous internet coverage.   It simply dies and all my devices lose connection and I have chatted, I have written, I have spoken on the phone and been told yes, I was correct, I have had severe outages and many of them at that.  So many, in fact, they were going to have a supervisor calculate all the down time I suffered and credit me. I asked when and he said within 48 hours.   That was over a week and a half ago. 

Frustrated, I attempted chatting again and demanded a supervisor and EVERY time the chat just sat there, I let it sit a few times and forgot about it to see how long it would stay open, three hours later it was still open and no response.  Not once in all this time have I not only been unable to speak to a supervisor but I have never even been spoken to as to perhaps FINDING THE PROBLEM.   I beg any of you to please help me as to what my next move should be as I am at a complete and utter loss.


Thank you so much!

  • zeldanerd2020's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I’ve been there before they will just make excuses until you file a complaint with the FCC and then they will have someone contact you it’s the only way I’ve gotten cox to fix any issues 

  • eastcoastg  Hi, sorry to hear that this has been your experience!  Please send an email to, we can help!  

  • Unfortunately you better get used to I have been dealing with poor service and even had one of their crews cut my ATT phone line that they would not fix. Data speeds average below 100 download, just excuses and no resolution. My service has been out from 5:00pm to 8:00am the past few nights, "working to get you back on line" Just not after 5:00 and before 8:00..... I'm without service RN!

    I've been with then 30 years, trust me they don't care and it doesn't get better....

    • HeatherS's avatar

      Good morning. I apologize for the experience you have had. I understand there's never a convenient time for us to work in the area to improve the service. We try to do as much work as possible during the overnight hours. I'd like the opportunity to assist you; however, the public forum isn't suited to protect the personal information I will need to do so.  Please reach out to us on Twitter at CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook at, or email us at In private communication, please include your full name, complete address, and details of the issue as this message will not be connected to the communication unless you include the link to it.