How to: Save changes in My Settings
Edit 1: There's no 'Save' button in the 'Follows & Notifications' tab to save changes in 'My Settings'. Attempts to leave the page after making a change generate an unformatted 'unsaved changes' error. There are a couple of kludge ways to save changes though. One is to completely close your browser. Changes made will be saved when you Sign In again. The other is more efficient, but appears to be a coding accident. Click 'Sign Out' in the Account Menu. Changes will be saved and you aren't signed out. It's an Easter egg 'Save' button.
Edit 2: 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons are displayed and function properly when making a change in the 'Personal' and 'Preferences' tabs. However, those buttons are missing when a change is made in the 'Follows & Notifications' tab and the unformatted error occurs when trying to leave the page. Clicking 'Sign Out' to save changes only applies to the 'Follows & Notifications' tab.
Edit 3: The unformatted error was still occuring last night when trying to leave the page after making a change in "Follows & Notifications. That error is gone today. There are still no 'Cancel' and "Save' buttons when making a change in that tab, but changes are saved when leaving the page. It's no longer necessary to click "Sign Out" to save changes.