have a problem with ebb program
Chat Start Time: | 06/10/2021 11:32:37 PM |
Chat End Time: | 06/11/2021 12:29:21 AM |
Chat URL: | https://www.cox.com/resaccount/home.html |
Referer URL: | |
Name: | Customer |
Email: | chuckspaeth@gmail.com |
Phone: | |
Initial Question: |
Chat Transcript | |
11:35:04 PM [Customer] Am I inturpriting this correctly? In order to get my pre-approved $100 computer I "Please note that 11:35:04 PM [Bot] I'm sorry I didn't understand what you wrote. Could you please try rephrasing your request? 11:35:12 PM [Customer] Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renew 11:35:12 PM [Bot] I still don't understand. Will you retype what you mean? I tend to understand questions best. 11:35:27 PM [Customer] Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renew 11:35:27 PM [Bot] I'm sorry I don't understand. I'm connecting you to a live agent now. [Chat Now] 11:35:33 PM [Alexea L.] Hi! My name is Alexea L. and I'm happy to help you. 11:38:45 PM [Customer] Bi alexa. AmI understanding this correctly... pc's for people is telling me " Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People.|" Are they saying I have to renew my internet service through them to get my pre approved computer? 11:41:07 PM [Alexea L.] Okay I understand, please allow me to check on this specifically for you, may I have your name ? 11:41:39 PM [Customer] Charles Spaeth 11:41:45 PM [Alexea L.] Thank you Charles 11:41:57 PM [Alexea L.] One moment while I check in on this for you 11:42:28 PM [Customer] I can forward the email they sent me to iou if you like 11:43:13 PM [Alexea L.] Sure you can go ahead no problem 11:44:01 PM [Customer] I copied this fromthe email... 11:44:09 PM [Customer] Sales via freshdesk.com Jun 7, xxxx, xx:xx AM (3 days ago) to me Hi Chuck Spaeth, Thanks for your interest in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB). Beginning May 12, 2021, eligible households can receive help to pay for the cost of their monthly internet service PLUS a discount on a computer package (while supplies last). Anyone who meets PCs for People eligibility requirements can apply to receive the benefits available by registering through our website. Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People. What are the program benefits? A monthly discount of up to $50 off your internet service and associated equipment (hotspots/modems) if you need it. For new subscribers, the benefit will be applied to the cost of your initial equipment purchase, and then it will cover monthly renewals for internet service after the first month. For current subscribers, the benefit will cover monthly renewals for internet service for the duration of the program. A one-time discount of up to $100 off select computers (while supplies last) when purchasing internet from PCs for People. The final price you’d pay for a desktop is $20 and a laptop is $49.99. 11:47:11 PM [Customer] Sounds like they are trying to side step cox 11:47:37 PM [Alexea L.] Okay got that, so in regards to PCs for people you may have to reach out to them because on our end, you are good to go for this 11:49:30 PM [Customer] Yes, but amI understanding this correctly? Are they telling me I need to sign up with them for inet svc to get it? 11:50:31 PM [Alexea L.] No you don't have to sign up with their internet service, just let them know you were approved and you are already a Cox customer with current internet services 11:52:21 PM [Customer] I did and this was their response. At what email can I forward this email (preferably to a supervisor) 11:53:53 PM [Customer] I am very sufficient with the english language and I woul like an answer to their statement 11:55:05 PM [Alexea L.] Okay I will get you a to a supervisor to get this sorted out further, as I understand, you will be with one through chat , is that okay? 11:55:30 PM [Customer] TY 11:55:43 PM [Alexea L.] You are most welcome,please hold 11:56:24 PM [Tariq S.] Hi! My name is Tariq S. and I'm happy to help you. 11:59:32 PM [Customer] As you can see, I have communicated wiyh pc's for people and am a little concerned with their response. Can I email you their response to you because it is a little disconcerning and confusing to me?d 11:59:38 PM [Tariq S.] Nice to meet you Charles. 12:00:02 AM [Tariq S.] Allow me a moment to review the previous chat. 12:00:35 AM [Customer] I posted the majority of the email above 12:01:30 AM [Tariq S.] I understand. 12:01:32 AM [Tariq S.] Thank you. 12:01:44 AM [Tariq S.] I understand the importance of this to you. 12:03:08 AM [Customer] Not just to me, but the way I understand it they will only honor it if I renew my internet service through them? 12:03:33 AM [Tariq S.] I'm looking into it for you. 12:06:38 AM [Tariq S.] Just a sec. 12:08:15 AM [Customer] Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People. 12:09:08 AM [Tariq S.] I have made a note of that. 12:09:14 AM [Tariq S.] Researching as we speak. 12:09:15 AM [Customer] Quote unquote 12:10:34 AM [Tariq S.] One moment please. 12:13:07 AM [Tariq S.] I have done some research here, based on our information, the EBB is program is a government-sponsored internet subsidy established to help Americans stay connected to the internet during the Covid-19 pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, and virtual classrooms. 12:13:42 AM [Tariq S.] Just a sec. 12:13:47 AM [Tariq S.] Found another article. 12:14:29 AM [Customer] I know this- please address my concerns regarding the email 12:14:58 AM [Tariq S.] I am seeing here, the benefits also include up to $100 towards the purchase of a laptop, desktop, or tablet when eligible households also contribute $10 - $50 towards the device. 12:15:20 AM [Tariq S.] The device seems optional based on this information, which means it is not mandatory. 12:15:31 AM [Tariq S.] However, nothing else regarding equipment purchase or internet package change. 12:15:44 AM [Customer] Or get a Cox supervisor on for me... You are not understanding what my point is 12:16:11 AM [Customer] This is important 12:16:48 AM [Tariq S.] I am a Supervisor and I do understand the importance. 12:16:58 AM [Tariq S.] I think you have misunderstood the email. 12:18:03 AM [Tariq S.] The section of the email regarding equipment only applies if you would like to purchase a laptop, or computer etc. 12:18:31 AM [Tariq S.] They were only making you aware of the discounts available and all your possible options. 12:19:26 AM [Customer] Then please address it, and answer my question do I have to renew my internet subscription with PC's for people to get my $100 deal AS THEY STATE IN THE EMAIL THEY SENT ME? Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People. 12:20:13 AM [Customer] Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People. 12:20:19 AM [Customer] Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People. 12:20:34 AM [Customer] Please note that to use the $100 EBB computer benefit discount, you must also be purchasing or renewing your internet subscription with PCs for People. 12:20:56 AM [Tariq S.] I am confirming for you. 12:21:02 AM [Tariq S.] I understand how frustrating this can be. 12:21:40 AM [Customer] pLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THE CUSTOMER IS TRYING TO SAY 12:22:12 AM [Tariq S.] The email is stating if you would like to use the computer discounts, which is not mandatory, you would have to purchase or renew your internet subscription. 12:22:25 AM [Tariq S.] Only if you would like to use the computer benefit. 12:22:50 AM [Tariq S.] The computer benefit is there if you chose to use it and is different from the initial EBB discount . 12:23:30 AM [Customer] So I have to switch from cox to pcs for people to benefit? 12:24:35 AM [Tariq S.] PCs is another name for computer. 12:24:41 AM [Tariq S.] It's not another company. 12:25:47 AM [Tariq S.] It's saying if you wish to use the equipment $100 EBB benefit you would need to renew your internet package with computers. 12:26:18 AM [Tariq S.] But as I stated earlier, if you wish not to get any new computer, tablets or laptop, that section of the email can be ignored. 12:27:06 AM [Customer] I'm sure someone in the main office wouldn't approve of this. Do your homework because it is. This transmission will be forwarded to Cox or educational purposes, Thank you for your time 12:27:51 AM [Tariq S.] I do understand. 12:29:13 AM [Tariq S.] Before you go, is there anything else I can help you with? |