Forum Discussion
Totally agreed.
My family has been asking me to drop Cox period! This situation has been a total mess! Yesterday, I tried to find out more about this transition and was with a Customer Service Rep - Wilson P - who didn't help me at all after an hour chatting with him or her. The push was to have me sign up for a better internet service, according to this person! I wish I could show you how aggressive was this person on asking me to increase my bill - forget about my questions and concerns. I really hope those chat rooms with Cox Staff is monitored because I am so disappointed with all this!
- Shariel11 months agoModerator
Hi itzel1417, I am sorry this was your experience and we'd hate to lose you as well. Are you having issues with the transition process or wondering when you'll transition? If you're wondering when, you will receive 3 emails before hand. Once 60 days prior, 30 days and 15 days prior. Lastly, you will get an email from Yahoo with a link to complete the process. If you have more than 1 email, they may not all change at the same time. If you've transitioned and need help with the process, we can try to help. Please send us an email to Cox.Help@Cox.Com with your full name, address and a link to this forum.
- itzel141711 months agoNew Contributor
I’ll contact you today
- lndcall9 months agoNew Contributor
I have come to despise cox communications! Service has gotten worse while costing more. Now, Yahoo forces perpetual adds and eats up a 1/3 of my screen unless I pay for plus. Bunch of B.S.! Email was not "free", it was "included" in the subscription. Now I have to pay a third party an extra fee for a service that I had just yesterday! Cox apparently couldn't care less about losing subscribers, although it's kind of you to pretend... BTW, I have never written to anything like this but the yahoo move has pushed me to maniac mode!
- Becky9 months agoModerator
Hi Indcall, while I don't know what your "maniac mode" looks like (I have my own version), it doesn't sound very comfortable. I'm sorry the email transition to Outlook has pushed you too far. I can help! First, whenever you have issues with your Cox services, it's important that you let us know so we can resolve them for you. I value your business and I want to provide you with reliable service! Please email our team at whenever you have account questions or service issues. Now, back to the transition to Yahoo. You can still enjoy free email service with Yahoo. There is no need to upgrade. We can help you set up your email account in Outlook, Mac Mail, or Android Mail. As several folks on this thread have indicated, you won't get ads when using a third-party email app. Please email my team using the above address so we can further assist you.
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